Creativity, Challenge, Confidence Automotive Consumer Trends Marketing Insight Manager: Kyong-Seuk Lee Tel Automotive Consumer Trends ‘Manufacturer’ was considered most at purchase - Following purchase consideration was in order of ‘Price range’, ‘Vehicle class’, ‘Whether to buy existing or new model’, and etc. - Domestic Luxury, relatively higher in ‘Whether to buy existing or new model’ Although importance of brand reputation still persists, ‘Price range’, ‘Vehicle class’, and ‘Displacement’ were less considered gradually ‘Direct experience’ (ex. Test drive or Showroom display) and ‘Print media’ (Ads or Articles) were important to purchase Import Major Purchase Consideration & Information Source for Import The Automotive Consumer Trend is the result of a large-scale syndicated survey in the field of automobiles with a sample size of over 100,000 which has been conducted annually in July by Marketing Insight. It should be a meaningful source to review and predict the consumer trend over the last five years (’02 – ’06).
- 1 -Automotive Consumer Trends Changes in Major Purchase Consideration for Import ( ) [ Figure 1. Major Purchase Consideration ] * Research target: Import buyers within past 1 year by each Wave (ex. Import buyers between July 2005 and June 2006 for 6 th Wave) (Multiple responses, %) Manufacturer Price rangeVehicle class Whether to buy existing model or new model Displacement Whether to buy new or used Fuel type
- 2 -Automotive Consumer Trends Major Consideration in Purchase Decision (6 th Wave, 2006) [ Table 1. Major Purchase Consideration ] * Research target: New car buyers between July 2005 and June 2006 ** Domestic Luxury for 6th Wave: Equus, Opirus, Chairman (For the convenience, Statesman was included.) Industry Avg.Domestic LuxuryImport Manufacturer Price range Vehicle class Whether to buy existing model or new model Displacement Whether to buy new or used Fuel type Base 10, (Multiple responses, %) * At P<.05 significance level, significantly higher( ▲ ) / lower( ▽ ) than industry average ▲ ▽▽ ▽ ▲▽ ▽ ▽▽ ▽▽
- 3 -Automotive Consumer Trends Major Source of Purchase Information (6 th Wave, 2006) [ Table 2. Purchase Information Source ] Industry Avg.Domestic LuxuryImport Test drive Brochure Manufacturer Website Newspaper/Magazine Word of mouth Showroom display Car-specialized Websites Price list & leaflet Salesperson’s explanation Internet ads Newspaper ads Car community homepage Other car-related Internet source Salesperson’s homepage Magazine ads TV/Radio broadcasting Cable TV ads Radio ads Base 10, (Multiple responses, %) ▲ ▽ ▽ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▽▽ ▽ ▲ ▽ ▽ ▲▲ ▽ ▽ * Research target: New car buyers between July 2005 and June 2006 ** Domestic Luxury for 6th Wave: Equus, Opirus, Chairman (For the convenience, Statesman was included.) * At P<.05 significance level, significantly higher( ▲ ) / lower( ▽ ) than industry average