(21 JANUARY 2014) WP Leader: Neil Holdsworth, ICES EMODnet Chemistry II (2013-2016) WP5 Analysis and Recommendations.


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Presentation transcript:

(21 JANUARY 2014) WP Leader: Neil Holdsworth, ICES EMODnet Chemistry II ( ) WP5 Analysis and Recommendations

EMODnet Chemistry II ( ) WP5 Analysis and Recommendations WP description: inputs/status Specific MSFD feedback WG-DIKE Gather feedback from ENV 2012/11 “Sea basin Checkpoints” Feedback from Chemistry project partners including data providers MSFD-DATA and DG-ENV support contract to RSC’s Too early to evaluate

WG-DIKE technical meeting -WISE-Marine data flows mapping proposal template has passed to DIKE and MSCG Assessment Data Collection (sources of observations) Data assembly Indicators WG-DIKE WG-GES

1) Role of Regional Sea Commissions (RSC’s) -Commission has clarified since the drafting of EMODnet II tenders -Expectation to use/adapt existing data products/indicators -New Commission contract (RSC data needs, Jan 2014) is working together with input from TG- DATA/EEA/ETC/RSC’s to elaborate the data flows and ‘data model’ -There is an open question on the involvement of EMD Chem (and Bio) in these discussions Milestone 6: EMODnet Chemistry and EMODnet biology linkage relevant governance and practical arrangements should be further explored

MSFD Data: data flows work in 2014 Milestone 1: workshop on nutrients(D5) and hazardous substances(D8) Workshop planned to be held April Milestone 2: workshop on Biodiversity (D1): Workshop planned to be held June or 10/11 September Milestone 3: workshop on Fish and Shellfish (D3+): Workshop planned to be held September or Jan 2015.