PA SAS Training Series Han Liu Department of Teacher Education Shippensburg University Adapted from SAS
Standard Coding A Reading Standard area Grade level Ordinal Descriptor Standards C – Relate works in the arts to varying styles and genre and to the periods in which they were created. 1. Reading 2. Math 3. Science & Tech 4. Environ- & Ecology 5. Civics & Govern- 6. Economics 7. Geography 8. History 9. Art & Hum 10. Health, Safety & PE 11. Family & Consumer Sciences 12. World Languages 13. Career Education & Work
R3.A.1.1 Reading Grade Level Reporting Category Assessment Anchor Descriptor M3.A.1.1 Apply place-value concepts and numeration to counting, ordering, grouping and equivalency. Reference: C, I, A Go tot Anchor ExamplesGo tot Anchor Examples