Any City Middle School Landscape Redesign
Our Goals… Use landscape design to increase energy efficiency. Create a comfortable campus environment by maximizing use of space. Campus beautification that is practical and affordable.
To conserve on future energy costs we will plant 20 additional shade trees in places where they will shade classroom windows. This simple classroom cooling step will result in less need to run the school air conditioner resulting in big cost savings. Our current array of small bushes and shrubs does not provide adequate shading for classrooms.
To create a more comfortable campus experience walkways will be widened an additional ten feet. A recent student survey shows that 80% of current ACMS students find the current walkways too crowded Several surveys of campuses that recently widened their walkways showed significant improvement in student satisfaction levels.
Funds awarded to our school in a campus beautification grant will be used to add hundreds of flowers along our walkways and in front of the building structure. Currently the back of the school lacks any real landscaping. As you can see, the proposed arrangement is a dramatic improvement.