Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on the Statistical Strategy of Lao PDR Why Support the Lao Strategy & Taking this Forward.


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Presentation transcript:

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Stakeholders Consultation Workshop on the Statistical Strategy of Lao PDR Why Support the Lao Strategy & Taking this Forward Presentation by Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21 st Century (PARIS21)

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Structure of the Presentation About PARIS21 How Can Strategic Planning Help Why Support the Lao Strategy Forms of Financial & Technical Assistance Taking this Forward

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 About PARIS21 Partnership in Statistics for development in the 21st Century Objectives: Develop a culture of transparent, evidence-based policy making and implementation which serves to improve government accountability, effectiveness and good governance Better statistics and statistical analysis available to and used by national and international decision-makers and civil society ‘Better use of better statistics’ as part of the ‘enabling environment’ for development Main focus: assisting countries to design, implement, and monitor a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics.

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics target for NSDSs to prepare national strategies for the development of statistics (NSDS) in all low-income countries ……. ……and to implement them with a view to producing better statistics for national and international use.

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 How can strategic planning help? Addressing data limitations Prioritising use of resources Looking across whole NSS Robust framework and action plan for statistical capacity building Catalyst for change to build confidence Respects results-based management

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 NSDS as a country-level coherence framework ICP DHSMICS ICP DHSMICS National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 From donorship to ownership Development Results Results & Mutualaccountability 4 Ownership (Partner countries) Partners set the agenda 1 Aligning with partners’ agenda Using partners’ systems Alignment (Donors - Partner) 2 Harmonisation (Donors - Donors) Establishing common arrangements Simplifying procedures Sharing information 3

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Accra Agenda for Action builds on the commitments agreed in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness An Agenda to Accelerate Progress Predictability – donors will provide 3-5 year forward information on their planned aid to partner countries. Country systems – partner country systems will be used to deliver aid as the first option, rather than donor systems. Conditionality – donors will switch from reliance on prescriptive conditions about how and when aid money is spent to conditions based on the developing country’s own development objectives. Untying – donors will relax restrictions that prevent developing countries from buying the goods and services they need from whomever and wherever they can get the best quality at the lowest price.

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Forms of Financial/Technical Assistance Financing Mechanisms –Not co-financed –Parallel financing (with government and/or other partners) –Joint or pooled financing –Financing through intermediary organization Technical Assistance –Twinning (short- or long-term) Training –Scholarships (abroad or in recipient country) –Workshops/seminars on specific issues –On-the-job training Goods and equipment Operating costs

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Taking this Forward 1. Establish Donor Coordination Mechanism Revive the “statistical indicators theme group” Identify lead donor(s) Co-led by Lao statistical authorities Objective: to facilitate a constructive dialogue and consultation among donors and the Lao statistical system in the field of statistics as part of the implementation of the NSDS.

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 Taking this Forward 2. Establish National Statistical Council 1.NSC proposes the general orientations of national statistical activities, priorities and instruments for coordinating the activities of the national statistics system. 2.NSC makes sure the ethical rules of the profession and the basic principles of statistical activity are observed. 3.NSC gives its opinion on statistical information development policy and on measures likely to direct and promote statistical activities. 4.NSC makes sure statistical work is coordinated and suggests tools for statistical coordination. 5.NSC is responsible for examining the statistics programs of public statistics structures and bodies in order to suggest a National Statistics Program covering the period of the Development Plan 6.NSC ensures the necessary consultation between producers and users of statistical information. 7.NSC is consulted on draft legal texts and rules and regulations pertaining to statistics.

Vientiane, Lao PDR: 24 June 2009 One final plea… Please support the Lao PDR master plan: Respect the national priorities (ownership) Channel support thru the strategy (alignment) Coordinate among donors (harmonisation) Thank you!