Stuff you should know about the library Josh Bishoff Carolyn Bishoff September 1, 2015 Obama at OccidentalObama at Occidental, New Yorker 2012
Find your department librarian and talk to them
Access library information and resources Proxy bookmarklet VPN Configure Google Scholar with library links
Do not pay for articles yourself Interlibrary Loan
Keep up with your field Journal/magazine TOC alerts Database alerts RSS readers for blogs (Feedly, Newsblur) Browzine (for iOS and Android)
Tools to make work suck less and save loads of time Citation managers Literally anything besides a list of readings in Word Notetaking software Because your brain ain’t got the time
Find highly-cited research in your discipline Google Scholar “Cited by ###” Scopus & Web of Science Specialized tools have shortcuts to figuring out important publications to read
Plan to organize and protect your thesis project Write up a data management plan Your librarian can give an outside perspective and feedback
Publications: management & access What UDC provides long-term, public access to your publications/posters Why sharing research is good long-term storage & preservation of your works
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