european capacity building initiativeecbi How do we? Finance in the 2015 Agreement european capacity building initiative initiative européenne de renforcement des capacités ecbi for sustained capacity building in support of international climate change negotiations pour un renforcement durable des capacités en appui aux négociations internationales sur les changements climatiques
european capacity building initiativeecbi MRV US$ 100 B/year by 2020 US$ 100 B/year by 2020 SBSTA SBI SCF Fast-Start Finance Thematic Bodies under the Convention LTF Work Prog LTF Work Prog High-level Ministerial Developed countries strategies & approaches GCF GEF COP-GCF Arr. AF Private Sector MDBs Bilateral AAs Innovative sources Mobilization Oversight Delivery Financial Mechanism Finance Linkages
european capacity building initiativeecbi Components critical to 2015 agreement Abundant clarity on finance commitments Robust MRV system Clear definition of what constitutes climate finance Pathways? Sources discussion crucial
european capacity building initiativeecbi Components critical to 2015 agreement Mitigation-Adaptation ambition nexus and balance Loss and damage i.e. Separate pots for mitigation and adaptation GCF operationalization Need for strong political outcome for adaptation finance Strengthen capacity and effectiveness of established institutions
european capacity building initiativeecbi Finance and 2015 Agreement Phase out of fossil fuel subsidies Role of National climate finance institutions/ National Funding Entities Need to integrate the role of market and non- market mechanisms Right price tag on carbon Greening the financial stream as a primary objective
european capacity building initiativeecbi What to do? 1. Review of the Financial Mechanism Is it possible to design a Redress Mechanism for the Financial Mechanism without starting to micro- manage the Operating Entities? Should the upcoming Review of the Financial Mechanism consider this issue? How about establishing an ‘Ombuds Panel’ (of the Standing Committee)? What could be the remit of such a Panel? How could it work?
european capacity building initiativeecbi Key issues LTF/ ADP Finance – Mobilization and sources Governance – Financial Mechanism Enhanced direct access Institutional arrangements under ADP to link with other international agreements and/or processes
european capacity building initiativeecbi Questions How do we ensure climate finance in the scale necessary for effective implementation of the 2015 agreement? Can we establish a complaint and redress procedure for the financial mechanism under the COP?