UnisaCSIR WITSR.H. CSIR B.H.CHPC Durban Johannesburg Pretoria Cape Town SANReN National Network Infraco 10Gbps WDM SANReN 40Gbps WDM
Infraco Unisa Main (λ2) TUT Main (λ3) CSIR UP Main (λ1) UP Mamelodi UP Onderstepoort TUT Soshanguve TUT Garankuwa UL Medunsa UP Medical Nat. Library Unisa Sunnyside UP Groenkloof UP Sport WITS Durban SANReN 30GB WDM Ring SANReN 40GB WDM SANReN 10GB WDM Link to Infraco Infraco 10GB WDM SANReN 10GB local (grey) ring SANReN Pretoria Pair 1 Pair 2 HartRAO Pair 1 Pair 2 SANReN 10GB grey link to Hartbeeshoek Cisco 4924
SANReN Johannesburg WITS Main (λ1)Reefhead Pretoria CSIR Infraco Cape Town CHPC UJ Main (λ2) JINX 10GB IS 10GB Unisa Florida CSIR WITS 1,2,3 UJ 1 Cisco 4924 SANReN 10GB local (grey) ring SANReN 20GB DWM Ring SANReN 40GB DWM UJ Bunting(λ2)
Johannesburg Reef Head Cisco WXC WDM Ring East WDM Ring West WDM Link to Infraco (CHPC) P1P2P3P4P1P2P3P4 10 GB Grey Ring 32 Channel WDM Filter λ1 S λ1 W λ2 W λ1 E λ2 E 6704 P2P1 ES20 P2P1 ES20 10Gbps IS 10Gbps JINX P1P2P3P P1P2P3P4 P1P2P3P4 8-10GBE Xponders 3-4WSX South Cisco 7609 Cisco CRS-1 λ4 W λ3 W λ5 W P1P2P3P4P1P2P3P GBE P1P2P3P4 RODAN Ring 7609 Prot Grey Ring Prot Xponders 1-2 λ7 W λ6 W λ8 W λ9 W P1P2P3P4 RODAN Link to CSIR via WITS WSX West
CSIR Infraco Cape Town Beachhead Pretoria Unisa UZulu Mangosuthu Tech DUT SANReN Durban UKZN Infraco 10GB WDM SANReN 10GB WDM Cisco 4924
Infraco SANReN Cape Town CHPCUCT Main (λ3)CPUT CT (λ1)CPUT BV (λ1)UWC Main (λ2) Infraco US Main CPUT Tygerberg US Tygerberg US Business MRCiThemba DurbanReefhead Beachhead SANReN 10GB local (grey) rings SANReN 30GB WDM ring Infraco 10GB WDM ring SANReN 10GB WDM Infraco Links CPUT GS CPUT MB TENET/CHEC Cisco 4924