Hello. My name is
All about Me!
Classroom Policies Please refer to classroom policy letter. Class Rules / Expectations Consequences / Re-teaching Rewards: FISH! Policy Be There! Make Their Day! Choose Your Attitude! Have Fun!
Classroom Procedures Agenda DAILY Homework / MAZE Program (every Wednesday, dismissal-4:15) Test Folders / VIP Folders WEEKLY Snacks, water bottles
Curriculum All of our subjects’ curriculum is based on the St. Tammany Parish Guaranteed Curriculum written by our curriculum specialists with input from teachers all over the Parish.
Spelling Words for all lessons for the year are on TeacherWeb.com Quarter contracts are posted there as well. Contracts change each nine weeks. 3 contracts due by Friday each week. Challenge group uses same contract, but has thematic words based on current topics of study.
Spelling Assessment Grades taken on: Oral tests Only 1 grade per nine weeks recorded in language. Tests are averaged to determine nine weeks grade.
Reading Novels and textbooks stories are used to teach skills. Website contains resources to support assignments. See me for a CD of textbook after Open House
Reading Assessments Reading logs monthly Textbook Stories -Cold read comprehension tests -Vocabulary tests -Flipbooks Novels -Comprehension tests -Vocabulary tests
Language Grammar Skills -Parts of Speech -Punctuation -Usage Creative Writing -Writer’s Workshop -Writing process -Graphic organizers
Language Assessments Grammar skills assessments Spelling Sentences-4 th grade words are used to create context sentences – 1 grade per week Creative Writing
Legibility Legibility contributes to the scorers’ ease of understanding what the student has written. Any legible composition will be scored, regardless of penmanship. Students may write in print or cursive. Compositions will be considered on topic if the scorer can determine that the student attempted to respond to the prompt.
Social Studies Regions of the USA Hands on activities to teach concepts Use research as a discovery tool Daily Social Studies help students learn how to use resources to find specific answers
Social Studies Assessments Activity grades Map Tests on Regions Daily Social Studies Assignments
Supplies Students are expected to provide and manage their own supplies. Please replenish your child’s missing supplies as soon as possible. Keep in mind the only supplies collected were Kleenex and paper towels.
Questions??? Here is my contact information: School Phone: **Please feel free to contact me with any concerns.
Class Wish List Clorox wipes Expo dry erase markers Large chart paper Sticky notes Index cards Address labels Candy for rewards Mousepads Dollar store prizes for the Rodeo Drive (prize box)
Your child may benefit from these items: Handheld pencil sharpener Eraser caps Hole reinforcements Zipper pencil pouch
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