Unlocking the Secrets to the College/Career Paper Follow Your Dreams because dreams DO come true – It’s up to YOU!
The Key to the Research Outline TAKE NOTES! I. Overview –A. One sentence – short & sweet – ACTION VERB –B. BRIEF! Hit the high points. –C. BRIEF! How did it begin? Who started it? –D. Will there be a job for you when you graduate with the necessary degree? Look in the Occupational Outlook Handbook. –E. There is THE thesis statement on p. 15 at the bottom of the page. USE IT!
II. TRAINING ADD A NEW “A”. A. Find a statement about your school/s. It should state something about the school’s mission/reputation and perhaps where it is located. B. Old “A” – Go to Admissions for this info. C. NO accronyms! NO course numbers (Eng = English) –Combine the like classes –Example degree plan D.ONLY IF DEGREE PLAN STATES THAT YOU NEED THIS E.ONLY IF YOU MUST PURSUE THIS FOR YOUR OCCUPATION
III. COSTS YOU MUST HAVE YOUR DEGREE PLAN BEFORE YOU CAN BEGIN III. A. For the TOTAL # of hours on your degree plan = TOTAL B. Same C. Same D. Dorm = included; apartment = electricity & phone & cable/satelite; house = all utilities (This includes cell phone) E. 15 weeks per semester – 5 days per week = 75 days of travel (# of miles back & forth) (cost of gas) = LOTS of figuring F. Same G. Same H. EVERYTHING it takes to take care of YOU. I. Be realistic. J. The “unexpecteds” Give me a TOTAL OF ALL EXPENSES for the NUMBER OF SEMESTERS YOU ATTEND according to your DEGREE PLAN.
IV. JOB CONDITIONS This is obvious. Tell me EVERYTHING anyone would want to know about the career: the good, the bad, and the ugly. The last sentence should REALLY SELL the job!
V. BENEFITS A. What is the expected salary? –Starting –After a few years –Finishing B.The “perks” of the job C.How far can you go with this job – the “career ladder” D.What else can you do with your degree?