Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 29th meeting, 22–23 January 2009 RECOMMENDATIONS WALTER GREINER.


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Presentation transcript:

Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics 29th meeting, 22–23 January 2009 RECOMMENDATIONS WALTER GREINER

Preamble The Chairperson of the PAC, W. Greiner, welcomed the PAC members, the invited experts, the ex-officio members from JINR, and presented the implementation of the recommendations taken at the previous meeting. JINR Vice-Director M. Itkis informed the PAC about the Resolution of the 104th session of the Scientific Council (September 2008), the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries (November 2008), and about the preparation of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016.

Recommendations on the themes and projects to be completed in 2009 and proposals of new themes.

Investigation of Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei at Low Energies The PAC heard with great interest the report on the closing theme “Investigation of Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei at Low Energies”. Theme 1039 in Investigation of Fundamental Interactions In Nuclei at Low Energy BAIKAL Deep UnderWater -detector EDELWEISS Dark Matter LESI Low-E Strong Int. GEMMA Neutrino Magnetic Moment G & M 2β-decay NEMO-3 2β-decay TGV 2ε-capture

NEMO The new results on 2νββ-decays and new upper limits on 0νββ-decays obtained by the NEMO-3 experiment on seven different isotopes are very impressive. The next step in preparation will be the SUPER-NEMO experiment with greatly increased sensitivity.

T 1/2 (  ) > yr (90 % C.L.) < 0.6 – 1.3 eV Phases 1 + 2: Phase 1, high Rn level 7.6 kg·year Phases kg·year [ ] MeV:  (  ) = 8 % Expected 8.1 BG events Observed 7 events Number of events / 40 keV Phase 2, low Rn level 5.7 kg·year Number of events / 40 keV T 1/2 (  ) > yr (90 % CL) < 0.3 –0.7 eV [ ] MeV:  (  ) = 8 % Expected 3 BG events Observed 4 events [ ] MeV:  (  ) = 8 % Expected 11,1 BG events Observed 11 events NEMO3: search for ββ0ν of 100 Mo

GERDA The GERDA experiment in Gran Sasso underground laboratory for 0νββ-decay in germanium detectors with enriched 76Ge isotope has made excellent progress. It will be continued with the GERDA-3 enlarged set- up

GERDA: Search for 0νββ in 76Ge detectors. Start up of experiment at Gran Sasso underground laboratory in kg 76 Ge enriched detector.  Phase I (2009 – 2011): 17.9 kg×yr → T 1/2 > 3 x10 25 yr or to confirm KKGH claim ( T 1/2 = 1.2 x10 25 yr,  m ν  = 0.44 eV )

TGV project Double-beta decay of 106Cd isotope

Experiment : T 1/2 (g.s.  g.s.) T 1/2 ≥ 1.8 x y (95%CL) (TGV-2) T 1/2 ≥ 5.8 x y (90%CL) (F.Danevich T 1/2 ≥ 1.5 x y (68%CL) (H.Kiel Theory T 1/2 = 1.0 x y (J.Suhonen) T 1/2 = 8.7 x y (M.Hirsch) T 1/2 = 4.4 x y (F.Simkovich) Results of one-year measurement 2νEC/EC (0+→0+, g.s.) decay with 10 g of 106 Cd, enriched at 75%

GEMMA The GEMMA experiment searching for antineutrino magnetic moment with Ge detectors underneath the Kalinin Power Plant has reached an excellent new upper limit and will be continued in 2009–2011 with the improved GEMMA-II set-up.

X= (µ / 10 –10 ) 2 ~ ~ (ON–OFF) / σ EM DLNP Experiment GEMMA : search for the neutrino magnetic moment 1.5 kg HPGe detector at 14.5 m from the core center Kalininskaya Nuclear Power Plant (Udomlya, Tver reg.)

13  MUNU (Bugey, 2003)  < 0.9  10 –10  B  TEXONO (Taiwan, 2006):  < 7.4  10 –11  B  GEMMA-1 (2006):  < 5.8  10 –11  B  BOREXINO (2008)  < 5.4  10 –11  B  GEMMA-1 (2008):  < 3.9  10 –11  B  GEMMA-1 (2009): 2.5  10 –11  B

Search for Dark Matter Experiment is dedicated to the direct detection of dark matter in form of WIMPs. EDELWEISS uses high purity Germanium cryogenic detectors with simultaneous measurement of phonon and ionization signals at a temperature about 20 mK. Measurements of 2 signals provides powerful discrimination WIMP and background events. Using methods of nuclear physics for solving of astrophysics problem Status: commissioning, test and calibrations 2008 EDELWEISS started to take WIMP data with ~10 kg Ge detectors, 200 kg.d data accumulated, present limit on SI coupling WIMP- nucleon < pb July 2009 expected pb or better New type of detectors allowing further background reduction will be used from 2009 Potential for exploring 4x10 -9 pb level in next few years (region of interest of SUSY models – discovery of WIMPs) JINR contribution: 1) Assembly, commissioning (calibrations, tests, etc) 2) Background environment control (radon and neutron) and material’s selection 3) Direct beta calibrations 4) MC and background interpretation 4) Data analysis

The Universe is very different and much more interesting than we expected Astrophysical data clearly shows existence of an unidentified form of matter Dark matter can be directly detected if consist from WIMPs SUSY has an excellent candidate: neutralino Subject for study Basis for all direct search of WIMPs at Earth experiments According to models of cosmological structure formation, the luminous matter of galaxies is gravitationally bound to a more massive halo of Dark Matter. →Thus, ordinary matter is moving through Dark Matter halo (We around Galactic Centre) and Dark Matter particles have kinetic energy in our laboratory system. → WIMP can be detected by it elastic scattering off nuclei. Expected rates and deposited energy are low, special methods required for experimental search The EDELWEISS is one of experiments for direct search of dark matter in forms of WIMPs

BAIKAL The BAIKAL project experiments, 400 events from local neutrino sources have been observed, and the record limits for neutrino flux from WIMP annihilation have been found as well for the flux of diffused neutrino above 10 GeV.

The Site NT cables x 4km to shore m depth

LESI The LESI project aims at a measurement of the astrophysical S-factors and effective cross sections of pd and dd reactions.

dd  3He + n (2.5 МeV)

Recommendation 1 The PAC recommends completion of the theme “Investigation of Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei at Low Energies” by the end of the year Recommendation 2 The PAC recommends continuations of these programmes within the new theme “Non-Accelerator Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics” (projects NEMO, GERDA-MAJORANA, GEMMA, EDELWEISS-II, BAIKAL, and LESI) in the years 2010–2012 with highest priority.

The PAC took note of the report on the closing theme “Nucleus and Particle Interactions at Intermediate Energies”. The PAC highly appreciates the results obtained under this theme. Recommendation: The РАС recommends completion of this theme by the end of the year 2009.

Decay  e ( PEN ) Modern theoretical calculations R calc e/  =Г(  e (  ))/Г(  (  )) = (5)x10-4 Marciano and Sirlin, [PRL 71, (1993) 3629] (1)x10-4 Decler and Finkemeir, [NP B 438, (1995) 17] (1)x10-4 Cirigliano and Rosell, [PRL 99, (2007) ] Most resent experiments TRIUMF: D.I.Britton et al., PRL 68, 3000 (1992) [  (stat)  (syst)]x10-4 PSI: G.Czapek et al., PRL 70, 17 (1993) [  (stat)  (syst)]x10-4 World average (current PDG) [1.230  0.004]x10-4 PEN goal:  R/R  5 x 10-4


Preparations of the PAX experiment PAX: studies with polarized antiprotons at future accelerator complex at GSI. The main goal: measurement of the transversity distribution As the first stage of preparatory studies of the spin-filtering method to polarize the beam, in the experiment on the beam depolarization has been fulfilled The observed low depolarizing cross section, < of predicted, allowed to reject one of contradictory theoretical descriptions of the spin transfer process and therefore has given green light to further spin filtering studies Is spin transferred from protons to electrons in the cooler with a predicted huge cross section? The answer: NO D.Oellers et al., submitted to Phys.Lett.B Project SPRING

New theme “Physics of Light Mesons” Recommendation. The PAC recommends approval of the new theme “Physics of Light Mesons” for the years 2010–2012 with first priority. PROJECTS:  SPRING (Spring physics at storage rings)  PEN-MEG (Precise investigation of rare pion decays and search for forbidden muon decays)  PAINUC (A study of pion interactions with helium nuclei at intermediate energies)

Start-up of the IREN facility The PAC notes that in December 2008 the accelerated electron beam with the energy 20 MeV and peak current 0.4 A was delivered to the experimental prototype tungsten target placed at the ceiling between target and lower accelerator halls. Neutrons, produced at interaction of the bremsstrahlung gamma radiation with target, were registered by means of the neutron proportional counter, located at the floor of the target hall. Time-of-flight neutron spectra were registered and neutron yield was estimated. The results prove experimentally the earlier calculated parameters of the IREN Phase I. The PAC appreciates the success of FLNP, VBLHEP, and of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (Novosibirsk) in the construction and commissioning of the LUE accelerator.

First neutrons at IREN Neutrons were produced by accelerated electrons scattered on vacuum shutter and electron guide – distributed source. Detector – 3 He proportional counter in polyethylene at 4-7 m distance from the source Evidence of neutron detection – pulse height spectra within 1 ms time window. Black squares – detector response for the 252 Cf source. Red circles – detector response for the neutrons produced by accelerated electrons scattered on vacuum shutter and electron guide. Green triangles – detector response when electron beam was stopped by diagnostic screen after electron source. Data acquisition – multistop time analyzer (20 ns time channel width) to register time of flight spectra and pulse height analyzer gated by 1ms pulse synchronized with electron pulse.

First time of flight neutron spectra at the experimental flight path

IREN Recommendation. The PAC recommends that FLNP and VBLHE complete as soon as possible the precommissioning operations at the IREN facility and start the first experiments in the second half of this year. The PAC also recommends that the JINR Directorate provide funding for the development of the IREN Phase I stage by stage within the request by FLNP during 2010–2016 to be annually adjusted depending on the achieved progress in the realization of the research programme.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 BLTP The PAC heard the proposal of BLTP into the Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010– The proposal follows the present complex and broad activities of the Laboratory, includes important trends in nuclear theory, and is flexible enough to incorporate future developments and needs. The important contribution of BLTP to the JINR educational programme should also be much appreciated.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 DLNP The PAC heard with interest the proposals of the Dzhelepov Laboratory for the Plan of the Development of JINR for 2010–2016. The PAC highly appreciates the results obtained at DLNP and stresses the leading role of the DLNP in the field of experimental neutrino physics in JINR. The PAC supports the continuation of this highly ambitious neutrino and astrophysics programme of DLNP.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 LIT The PAC took note of the proposed main directions of the activities of the Laboratory of Information Technologies for the years The PAC recognizes that LIT serves wide ranges of computational needs and purposes inside and outside JINR. The PAC is particularly pleased with the outstanding results concerning the optimization and performances achieved in the computing facilities. The PAC also appreciates the LIT activities in the advanced educational programmes and welcomes a stronger involvement in the GRID computational environment. In order to make the results of the valuable work performed at LIT more easily accessible to the scientific community, the PAC recommends the construction of an environment of network services devoted to this purpose.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 FLNP The PAC recommends including in the Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 the following main directions of modernization of the IREN facility: - Facility operation at two-shift basis with expansion to the round the clock operation. - Beam power increase by means of implementing assembly of two klystrons TH2129 with single pulse transformer. - Subsequent increase of the beam power by means of the second two klystrons assembly and second accelerating section. - Modulators upgrade to reach the designed operation frequency 150 Hz. In the seven-year plan of the FLNP Nuclear Physics Research Experimental Department for 2010–2016, a proper balance between work at JINR home facilities and abroad should be aimed at. The PAC recommends strengthening the continuation of work on fundamental physics with slow neutrons, in particular the development of first-class experiments, e.g. on gravity, hadronic parity violation and neutron decay, to be carried out using the most intense neutron beams available in different centres of the world.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 FLNR The PAC discussed in detail the prospects for the development of the experimental base for heavy-ion physics at FLNR. The proposed plan includes ambitious projects, such as DRIBs-III, construction of a new accelerator which has to provide intense heavy-ion beams for the synthesis of superheavy elements, as well as the creation of new physics facilities. The PAC notes that the plan should be realized within the proposed period of seven years and therefore needs to be timely financed. The PAC endorses the proposed plan and supports the efforts of the Flerov Laboratory aimed at the development and extension of the experimental base. The PAC recommends elaborating the final design and presenting the details at the next meeting.

The 7- year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2010–2016 University Centre The PAC takes note of the extensive proposals by the JINR University Centre to be included in the seven-year plan for the development of JINR for The PAC embraces and supports the strong connection of the proposed educational activities with the scientific interests pursued at JINR. In particular, the PAC recognizes as important the organization of module courses based on modern approaches to strategic fields of research at JINR, and encourages the continuation of the participation of JINR researchers in the educational programmes devoted to attract young students. The PAC also recommends the consolidation of the network between JINR and educational institutes in the Member States with activities specifically devoted to such purpose. The PAC welcomes with appreciation the construction of new facilities to be used as student scientific laboratories and advices a more precise time scale for the scheduling of activities in such laboratories.

Scientific report The PAC heard with interest the report “Chemistry of superheavy elements: achievements and prospective”, excellently presented by R. Eichler. The report described the impressive chemical experiments on superheavy elements 112 and 114, performed at FLNR. The results on element 114 indicate a need of further studies, both experimental and theoretical.

Chemical properties of 112 element

Preliminary Results Dubna Pu ( 48 Ca, 3-4n) Experiments with element 114 DGFRS COLD D Q1 Q2 10°C -160°C 400  g/cm Pu t trans ~1.4 s Gas flow: Ar 2.1 l/min Recoil ranges tested with: 206 Rn, 185 Hg, 254 No  Reliable design: 3  m Mylar, 1.5 cm Ar (1 bar) Z=114 Cryogenic detector

Nuclear Map

244 Pu, 248 Cm 237 Np 243 Am 242 Pu, 245 Cm 249 Cf Decay chains Decay chains 34 nuclides 85 decay chains was registered

Production of neutron rich superheavy nuclei in heavy-ion damped collisions (shell effects)

Main components: Room temperature RFQ and IH-DTL at 108 MHzRoom temperature RFQ and IH-DTL at 108 MHz Superconducting CH-DTL (324 MHz) and QWR (108 MHz)Superconducting CH-DTL (324 MHz) and QWR (108 MHz) Main components: Room temperature RFQ and IH-DTL at 108 MHzRoom temperature RFQ and IH-DTL at 108 MHz Superconducting CH-DTL (324 MHz) and QWR (108 MHz)Superconducting CH-DTL (324 MHz) and QWR (108 MHz) Possible solution for a new accelerator (proposed by GSI and University of Frankfurt) Possible solution for a new accelerator (proposed by GSI and University of Frankfurt) cyclic or linear? “cold” or “warm”?

Fréjus peak Modane Entrance to the road tunnel France 1 SF-event per year (T 1/2 =10 9 y) corresponds to the concentration: EkaOs/Os = g/g 1 SF-event per year (T 1/2 =10 9 y) corresponds to the concentration: EkaOs/Os = g/g Experiments on the search for superheavy elements in osmium samples (Modane, France)

Thank you very much for your attention