Director’s update CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science Lewis Ball CASS Chief 11 June 2013
ATUC 11 June 2013 ATUC members John Dickey, UTAS (Chair) James Allison, U Sydney Virginia Kilborn, Swinburne Ryan Shannon, CASS Stephen Ord, ICRAR – Curtin Minh Huynh, ICRAR – UWA Tobias Westmeier, ICRAR – UWA Sarah Reeves, U Sydney Vikram Ravi, U Melbourne Chris Phillips (Secretary) Thank you
ATUC 11 June 2013 Exciting science Vibrant and well resourced user community Technology advances SOC and remote operations New opportunities LOTS OF CHALLENGES The big picture
ATUC 11 June 2013 SKA moving into engineering design phase 3 years from ~ October 2013 Costed at: €90 million + 28 M€ for SKA Office staff and operations (30%) 63 M€ for Work Package Consortia (70%) Most of work will be delivered by international consortia Funded directly from member countries – funding will not flow through SKAO or consortium leads Bids submitted last week SKA Pre-construction
Bidding consortia ATUC 11 June 2013
Other major awards to ICRAR - Curtin University (AA-low and CSP) Aurecon (Infrastructure) CSIRO/DIICCSRTE funding ATUC 11 June 2013
ASKAP Now 36 antennas, infrastructure (except power) and fibre to Perth all complete. PAF-PAF-PAF 3-beam image. 4 PAFs on-site (Mk I) + single pixel feed Next BETA (6 ants + Mk I PAFs + h/w correlator) ADE prototyping underway 6 Mk II PAFs installation early Mk II PAFs installed + commissioned by end 2014 Phase 2 funding Secured $6M within CSIRO Strong optimism for another $6M +12 Mk II PAFs = total 24 Mk II
Shared risk Partial array Unified program Staged roll-out plan for Mk II PAFs 12 18 24 Construction and commissioning will retain priority – Goal is to collect science data overnight (weekends) Continue through start of normal ASKAP operations (12 – 18 months) Single unified program (not fragmented proposals/projects) Immediate public data release following verification Seeking input and feed-back from SSTs and broader astronomy community to help CASS design observing strategy ASKAP Early Science
ATUC 11 June 2013 ATNF operations 2013/14: Sufficient funds from CSIRO + CRIS to deliver Parkes + ATCA + 30% Mopra + ramp up of ASKAP Don’t expect an increase from CSIRO beyond that level Further ramp up of ASKAP operations costs will be partially offset by increased contribution from astro to science operations Remaining deficit (assuming ongoing external funds for Mopra and CRIS equivalent) is ~10% of total ops ($16.5m year + overheads) Must achieve further savings or offset with external revenue
ATUC 11 June 2013 Dual strategy Even assuming funding from NCRIS 2 we will need: External funding for partial operations of Parkes and/or ATCA – The Mopra model (could also apply to ASKAP for 2015/16 and beyond) Further operations costs reductions for Parkes/ATCA e.g. wideband receivers at Parkes, no receiver changes; Further support and fault response reductions; reduced observing duty cycle LBA/ATCA capability reductions
ATUC 11 June 2013 Thanks and best wishes Robert Braun SKA Science Director Manchester Carole Jackson WA Premier’s Fellow U Curtin
ATUC 11 June 2013
Thank you Astronomy & Space Science Lewis Ball t Astronomy and Space Science We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamatji people as the traditional owners of the MRO site.