…Chapters 1-12 Review… Vocabulary Chapters 1 and 2 Chapters 3 and 4 Chapters 5 and 6 Chapters 7 and 8 Chapters 9 and 10 Chapters 11 and
Vocabulary: 100 Points What is the definition of a scapegoat?
Vocabulary: 100 Points Somebody who is made to take the blame for others.
Vocabulary: 200 Points Give an example of a stereotype.
Vocabulary: 300 Points Give one example of how Alex used perseverance to survive.
Vocabulary: 400 Points Give an example of a tradition our culture has.
Vocabulary: 500 Points Use discrimination in a context sentence related to the “Holocaust.”
Chapter 1: 100 Points What did Alex’s family believe had happened to the mother?
Chapter 1: 100 Points (Pg. 2) They believed she had been transported to Germany.
Chapter 1: 200 Points What did Alex’s father teacher him that he learned when he was a soldier?
Chapter 1: 200 Points (Pg. 3) His father taught him how to shoot a pistol.
Chapter 1: 300 Points What did Alex do each time Father went to work in the morning?
Chapter 1: 300 Points (Pg. 4) Alex would go to the ceiling hideout, unless his father decided to hide him in the bunker down below.
Chapter 2: 400 Points How does this conversation Alex and his father had relate to the Holocaust? Alex: “He told me there were gray mice in the store room that would kill my mouse.” Alex: “But why would they kill him?” Father: “Because he is white.” Alex: “Maybe they’ll make friends with him.” Father: “Then you’ll never see him again.”
Chapter 2: 500 Points Explain the quote Mother used: “Once you are born, you can’t deny your roots.”
Chapter 3: 100 Points What is the “selection?”
Chapter 3: 100 Points (Pg. 16) Everyone was rounded up in the yard, and then one by one you went through a gate where the Germany factory owner and his Polish partner would be standing with policeman. It was they who decided who stayed in the ghetto to work and who was transported.
Chapter 3: 200 Points Alex talks about people being “rats.” What do they do that gives them this name?
Chapter 3: 200 Points (Pg. 18) A rat smiled and talked to you like a friend and then went and squealed behind your back.
Chapter 3: 300 Points Name 4 items that were in Alex’s knapsack that he was given.
Chapter 3: 300 Points (Pg. 23) bread, bottle of water, butter/jelly, pistol, flashlight
Chapter 4: 400 Points Who was Alex’s “lucky charm?”
Chapter 4: 400 Points (Pg. 32) Alex’s mother was his lucky charm. He felt that she was somewhere near him, watching over him. Sometimes, out of the corner of his eye, he thinks he sees her shadow flitting by.
Chapter 4: 500 Points State1 piece of advice Alex was given in his life.
Chapter 4: 500 Points (Pg. 30) Boruch- “Whenever you pick a hiding spot, make sure it has an emergency exit.” Father- “What counts most is the element of surprise. Be sure to take your time…” Mother: If you relate to people with trust and human kindness, they will always help you.”
Chapter 5: 100 Points What ghetto was Alex from?
Chapter 5: 100 Points (Pg. 33) Ghetto C
Chapter 5: 200 Points Where were the Gryns hiding?
Chapter 5: 200 Points (Pg. 38) The Gryns were hiding in the bunker underneath the toilet.
Chapter 5: 300 Points How did the Gryn’s treat Alex when he found them? EXPLAIN
Chapter 6: 400 Points Fill in the blank. “Every hiding place should have an _________________”
Chapter 6: 400 Points (Pg. 46) “Every hiding place should have an EMERGENCY EXIT.”
Chapter 6: 500 Points What are some of the items Alex took from the apartments on his first venture out for supplies?
Chapter 6: 500 Points (Pg. 48) A few things that fit him, suits for father, the coat, towels, sheets, Polish army hat and books. He went back later that night and got a mattress and a folding chair
Chapter 7: 100 Points Alex released Snow to have him find ___________.
Chapter 7: 100 Points (Pg. 51) Alex released Snow to have him find FOOD.
Chapter 7: 200 Points When Martha and her family find Alex, what do they take from him?
Chapter 7: 200 Points (Pg. 54) Potatoes
Chapter 8: 300 Points What was Alex’s plan for his next hideout?
Chapter 8: 400 Points Who does Alex shoot at? Why?
Chapter 8: 400 Points (Pg. 61) A man carrying Martha. He is trying to save her.
Chapter 8: 500 Points What gift does Martha give Alex?
Chapter 8: 500 Points (Pg. 63) A pin from her hair.
Chapter 9: 100 Points What does Alex go to the factory to get?
Chapter 9: 100 Points (Pg. 65) Rope
Chapter 9: 200 Points What is the name of the doorman Alex meets?
Chapter 9: 200 Points (Pg. 70) Bolek
Chapter 9: 300 Points What did Alex witness prior to talking to the doorman?
Chapter 9: 300 Points (Pg. 68) Two men in a quarrel and then a man was shot
Chapter 10: 400 Points What number did Boruch tell Alex was unlucky?
Chapter 10: 400 Points (Pg. 73) Thirteen
Chapter 10: 500 Points Give 2 advantages to Alex’s new hideout.
Chapter 11: 100 Points Why was it a good thing that Alex moved his hiding spot when he did? (HINT: what happened shortly after?)
Chapter 11: 100 Points (Pg. 80) The Germans go to Alex’s old hiding spot and clear it out.
Chapter 12: 200 Points How long had Alex been living alone?
Chapter 12: 200 Points (Pg. 85) Two months
Chapter 12: 300 Points Every time Alex left his hideout, he would leave messages for his Dad. How did he leave these messages?
Chapter 12: 300 Points (Pg. 86) At first Alex left marked bricks. Then, he took chalky white plaster and on the walls drew arrows leading in from the street as though they were part of children’s games. Marked a “treasure” with an arrow facing down. Underneath the brick Alex wrote, on a scrap piece of paper, “You’re very warm. Don’t give up. Alex.”
Chapter 12: 400 Points What was the secret password people used to be allowed through by the doorman?
Chapter 12: 400 Points (Pg. 93) “To the doctor, governor.”
Chapter 12: 500 Points Explain who Alex is talking about in the quote: “Maybe he was sweet on her like I was. I guess that’s what made me so mad.”
Chapter 12: 500 Points (Pg. 95) Alex is talking about the Bully who seems to be giving the girl, whom Alex likes, a hard time.