Welcome Mrs. Pam LoPilato Masters in Teaching, Special Education Geometry
Geometry Unit Sequence Unit 1: Geometry Basics September Unit 2: Rigid TransformationsOctober Unit 3: Congruence Nov.-Dec. Unit 4: Similarity January Unit 5: Trigonometry February Unit 6: Area & Volume March Unit 7: Circles April Unit 8: Inductive Reasoning May Review for Final ExamJune
Resources Online Textbook: Students have been assigned usernames and passwords. Supplemental videos and resources: The IXL software is an additional resource for students to practice geometry skills independently. At times, particular sections will be assigned for classwork or homework, and students will be expected to achieve a specific "smart score." At other times, optional sections will be listed on Schoolwires for independent practice but will not be graded. search for RD_Math Geometry terminology practice, including flash cards.
Supplies Students are expected to maintain a one inch binder with 4 sections: Problem of the Day, Homework, Class work, and Quizzes/Tests. A simple scientific calculator is required. All students should keep track of their assignments in an agenda book.
Class Routine Class begins with a problem of the day to review content and warm up. Homework is checked during this time and then reviewed as a class. Each student is expected to participate. The day's instruction follows with notes, guided instruction, and independent practice. Students are encouraged to ask questions during independent practice. Answers are reviewed as a class. Several websites are used to enhance and reinforce instruction, including and Homework is assigned Monday-Thursday each day class meets. Students are instructed to write their assignment in their agenda. Quizzes are usually given weekly.
Class Rules 1.Be on time. 2.Be prepared. 3.Raise your hand. 4.Sign out when leaving class room. 5.Participate during class. 6.Follow instructions. 7. Show respect for others. In addition, I expect all students to listen attentively, complete all assignments to the best of their ability, seek help when needed and demonstrate an eagerness to learn.
Grading Students will be graded based on class work, homework, quizzes, essays and projects. Points will be given in the following categories: Homework : 10 Class work: 10 Quizzes: 20 Tests: 50 Participation: 10 Partial credit will be given for incomplete or late work. Students are welcome to retake any quiz and encouraged to come for extra help at lunch or after school in room 911. Students can complete assessments more than once, as needed.
Parent Communication: Please me when you have a question or concern. I will do my best to address your concern as soon as possible. Refer to Genesis to monitor grades, read my School Wires page to see what your child is leaning about, and check your child’s assignment book for homework completion. Please encourage your child to do his/her best. If they are experiencing difficulty, they should let me know and I will provide additional time and individual instruction.
Thank You!