Understanding the EHS Management System Development Process David Downs President EHS Management Partners,Inc
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 What the heck is a “management system”? l Identification of Priorities l Application of Resources l Monitor Effectiveness
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 What are the key components of an EHS Management System? l Management Commitment and Direction l Planning l Implementation and Operation l Checking and Corrective Action l Management Review
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How does a management system help me do my job? l Focus - in a World of expanding priorities l Establish broader responsibility l Accountability l More management involvement
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How does the MS help establish management support? lPlPolicy and Direction lIlInvolvement in Action Plans lMlManagement Review
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 Isn’t an EHS Management System assessment really an evaluation of my job performance? l Management System Evaluation l Looks at all levels of Management
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How is the Corporate EHS Role Evaluated? l Focus is on the EHSMS at the “site” l Corporate may play a significant role as part of the Team. l Examples Regulatory Changes Audit Information Management
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How are existing EHS Management Programs evaluated? l Example: Emer. Response Plan Identification of emergency types (Planning) ER Team Organization (Responsibility and Authority) ER Equipment (Resource Allocation) ER Training (Training)
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 Don’t Compliance Audits Assess EHS Management? l Not in a systematic manner l Good compliance does not necessarily equal good management l Good Management System should result in good compliance (and other performance measures)
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 Why Assess the MS before we Implement the MS? l All sites have components of the EHS MS l Purpose of the assessment is to identify strengths and weaknesses l Action Plans will work on development where needed
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How will the Assessments be Conducted? l Assessment Instrument 30+ Questions Five levels of Implementation l Interviews Senior and other management EHS Staff Staff with EHS assignments Others
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How will the Assessments be Conducted? l Review of Documentation l Observation of site conditions
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 How will the Assessments be Conducted? l Opening Conference l Schedule interviews l Walk-through l Preliminary Evaluation l Action Plan Development l Closing Conference
Copyright, EHS Management Partners, 1999 Other Issues l How is “environmental” and “health and safety” assessed in the same process? l Will the results be used to compare sites?