1 Test Runs with the Detector Model LDC01_05Sc II LCFI Physics Meeting February 05, 2008 Talini Pinto Jayawardena Kristian Harder.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Test Runs with the Detector Model LDC01_05Sc II LCFI Physics Meeting February 05, 2008 Talini Pinto Jayawardena Kristian Harder

2 Overview  Investigation into the degraded performance with PandoraPFA relative to WolfPFA  Performance analysis of replacement of (some) tracking parameters used with PandoraPFA, with those used with WolfPFA  Effect of removing the CurlKillerProcessor  Performance output analysis with new joint probability values

3 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters MySiliconTrackingProcessor WolfPFAPandoraPFA Chi2FitCut20100 NDivisionsInPhiFTD203 OptPrefit40  Some parameters in the PandoraPFA (example) steering file discovered to be different from that of the WolfPFA steering file: MyFullLDCTrackingWolfPFAPandoraPFA CutOnTPCHits3035 ForceSiTPCMerging10 OmegaCutForForcedMerging StoreRefittedSiTracks01 TPCHitToTrackDistance1525

4 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters  PandoraPFA run with Tracking parameters obtained from the setup with WolfPFA, and compared with the values from the example PandoraPFA steering file  Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA  Bold symbols : WolfPFA Tracking parameters  Open symbols : PandoraPFA (example) Tracking parameters

5 PandoraPFA with Wolf parametersPandoraPFA with example parameters Jet Energy Histograms

6 LDC01_05Sc: Performance output without CurlKillerProcessor  Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA  Bold symbols : No CurlKillerProcessor + parameters from the Wolf setup  Open symbols : CurlKillerProcessor + parameters from the Wolf setup NB: Performance not affected by the removal of the CurlKillerProcessor

7 PandoraPFA with Wolf parameters and no CurlKillerProcessor PandoraPFA with example parameters and with CurlKillerProcessor Jet Energy Histograms NB: No effect on the Jet Energy distribution at first glance

8 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters  Bold symbols : Pandora with Tracking parameters from the setup with WolfPFA  Open symbols : Wolf with its original Tracking parameters  Results for FullLDCTracking

9 Conclusions on the degraded performance with PandoraPFA  Flavourtag performance improved when the track parameters were changed to those used with the WolfPFA setup  Removing the CurlKillerProcessor had no further effect on the Flavourtag performance  More detailed investigation required into the effect the changes have on the jet energy distribution and resolution

10 LDC01_05Sc: Effect of new Joint Probability values  Joint Probability values hard-coded in LCFIVertex  New values obtained from the SignificanceFit Processor (Erik Devetak)  Values obtained are for the first 5000 events (of a 10K events sample)  Marlin reconstruction done on the next 5000 events with the new Joint Probability values  Results compared with the original (hard-coded) values for the same 5000 events Parameters for RPhi Joint Probability Original Values New Values Parameters for Z Joint Probability Original Values New Values

11 LDC01_05Sc: Effect of new Joint Probability values  Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA  Bold symbols : New Joint Probability values  Open symbols : Original Joint Probability values