1 Test Runs with the Detector Model LDC01_05Sc II LCFI Physics Meeting February 05, 2008 Talini Pinto Jayawardena Kristian Harder
2 Overview Investigation into the degraded performance with PandoraPFA relative to WolfPFA Performance analysis of replacement of (some) tracking parameters used with PandoraPFA, with those used with WolfPFA Effect of removing the CurlKillerProcessor Performance output analysis with new joint probability values
3 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters MySiliconTrackingProcessor WolfPFAPandoraPFA Chi2FitCut20100 NDivisionsInPhiFTD203 OptPrefit40 Some parameters in the PandoraPFA (example) steering file discovered to be different from that of the WolfPFA steering file: MyFullLDCTrackingWolfPFAPandoraPFA CutOnTPCHits3035 ForceSiTPCMerging10 OmegaCutForForcedMerging StoreRefittedSiTracks01 TPCHitToTrackDistance1525
4 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters PandoraPFA run with Tracking parameters obtained from the setup with WolfPFA, and compared with the values from the example PandoraPFA steering file Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA Bold symbols : WolfPFA Tracking parameters Open symbols : PandoraPFA (example) Tracking parameters
5 PandoraPFA with Wolf parametersPandoraPFA with example parameters Jet Energy Histograms
6 LDC01_05Sc: Performance output without CurlKillerProcessor Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA Bold symbols : No CurlKillerProcessor + parameters from the Wolf setup Open symbols : CurlKillerProcessor + parameters from the Wolf setup NB: Performance not affected by the removal of the CurlKillerProcessor
7 PandoraPFA with Wolf parameters and no CurlKillerProcessor PandoraPFA with example parameters and with CurlKillerProcessor Jet Energy Histograms NB: No effect on the Jet Energy distribution at first glance
8 LDC01_05Sc: Performance comparison for changed parameters Bold symbols : Pandora with Tracking parameters from the setup with WolfPFA Open symbols : Wolf with its original Tracking parameters Results for FullLDCTracking
9 Conclusions on the degraded performance with PandoraPFA Flavourtag performance improved when the track parameters were changed to those used with the WolfPFA setup Removing the CurlKillerProcessor had no further effect on the Flavourtag performance More detailed investigation required into the effect the changes have on the jet energy distribution and resolution
10 LDC01_05Sc: Effect of new Joint Probability values Joint Probability values hard-coded in LCFIVertex New values obtained from the SignificanceFit Processor (Erik Devetak) Values obtained are for the first 5000 events (of a 10K events sample) Marlin reconstruction done on the next 5000 events with the new Joint Probability values Results compared with the original (hard-coded) values for the same 5000 events Parameters for RPhi Joint Probability Original Values New Values Parameters for Z Joint Probability Original Values New Values
11 LDC01_05Sc: Effect of new Joint Probability values Results for FullLDCTracking and PandoraPFA Bold symbols : New Joint Probability values Open symbols : Original Joint Probability values