PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS FOR ENGINEERING Hossein Sameti Department of Computer Engineering Sharif University of Technology Two Random Variables
Introduction Expressing observations using more than one quantity -height and weight of each person -number of people and the total income in a family
Joint Probability Distribution Function Let X and Y denote two RVs based on a probability model ( , F, P). Then: What about So, Joint Probability Distribution Function of X and Y is defined to be
Properties(1) Proof Since
Properties(2) Proof for Since this is union of ME events, Proof of second part is similar.
Properties(3) Proof So, using property 2, we come to the desired result.
Joint Probability Density Function (Joint p.d.f) By definition, the joint p.d.f of X and Y is given by Hence, So, using the first property,
Calculating Probability How to find the probability that ( X,Y ) belongs to an arbitrary region D ? Using the third property,
Marginal Statistics Statistics of each individual ones are called Marginal Statistics. marginal PDF of X, the marginal p.d.f of X. Can be obtained from the joint p.d.f. Proof
Marginal Statistics Using the formula for differentiation under integrals, t aking derivative with respect to x we get: Proof
Let Then: Differentiation Under Integrals
Marginal p.d.fs for Discrete r.vs X and Y are discrete r.vs Joint p.d.f: Marginal p.d.fs: When written in a tabular fashion, to obtain one needs to add up all entries in the i-th row. This suggests the name marginal densities.
Example Given marginals, it may not be possible to compute the joint p.d.f. Obtain the marginal p.d.fs and for: Example
is constant in the shaded region We have: So: Thus c = 2. Moreover, Similarly, Clearly, in this case given and, it will not be possible to obtain the original joint p.d.f in Solution
Example X and Y are said to be jointly normal (Gaussian) distributed, if their joint p.d.f has the following form: By direct integration, So the above distribution is denoted by Example
Example - continued So, once again, knowing the marginals alone doesn’t tell us everything about the joint p.d.f We will show that the only situation where the marginal p.d.fs can be used to recover the joint p.d.f is when the random variables are statistically independent.
Independence of r.vs The random variables X and Y are said to be statistically independent if the events and are independent events for any two Borel sets A and B in x and y axes respectively. For the events and if the r.vs X and Y are independent, then i.e., or equivalently: If X and Y are discrete-type r.vs then their independence implies Definition
Independence of r.vs Given obtain the marginal p.d.fs and examine whether independence condition for discrete/continuous type r.vs are satisfied. Example: Two jointly Gaussian r.vs as in (7-23) are independent if and only if the fifth parameter Procedure to test for independence
Example Given Determine whether X and Y are independent. Similarly In this case and hence X and Y are independent random variables. Solution