Cynthia Castillo, President and CEO, CSSI
2 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Agenda Welcome and thank you About the SECAF webinar series A Conversation with Cindy and Shiv The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Small and Emerging Government Contractors Questions and Answers
3 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. About the SECAF Webinar Series SECAF is a small and emerging government contractor-focused organization based in the Washington, DC-metro area SECAF has a robust government contractor community membership; has provided education, information for past 10 years SECAF Webinar series objective: bring the best of SECAF to ALL small and emerging government contractors throughout the United States The SECAF Webinar Series will allow the nationwide small and emerging government contractor community to use SECAF as the “Voice of Small and Emerging Government Contractors.”
4 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Today’s Speakers Cynthia Castillo President and CEO, CSSI Shiv Krishnan Chairman and CEO, Indus
5 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. CSSI’s Story CSSI, Inc. ensures transportation systems move people and materials safely and efficiently Leveraging deep roots in aviation, innovative analytics and best practices enhance productivity, decrease costs and improve safety Founded in 1990 by Frank Castillo Cindy joined CSSI in 1993; company had 10 employees and $250k in revenue Today: Revenues over $60M and about 280 employees
6 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Infrastructure, Growth and Lessons Learned Build relationships and value proposition Invest in infrastructure early (processes and systems) Know your brand and what you stand for Be proactive, not reactive Let go of distractions
7 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Overcoming Challenges and Looking Ahead Join sounding boards and access resources Right-size for efficiency & effectiveness Think smarter to survive Focus and commitment Invest in resources where it makes the most sense
8 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part One I. Define yourself ○ Clearly communicate your strengths and what value you offer customers/partners ○ Can’t be all to all
9 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part One II. Know/understand your customers ○ First and foremost ○ Intimacy is the MOST important thing ○ Be a trusted and respected partner
10 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part One III. Envision your end-game ○ Think of results first and work backward ○ Ask yourself: how does everything you do help you achieve your goals/vision? ○ Execute – walk your talk
11 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part Two IV. Always understand “what’s in it for them” ○ Operate in ‘receive’ mode ○ Act/communicate with your audience in mind; make sure there’s value for everyone involved ○ Do your homework
12 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part Two V. Build on the strengths of your peers ○ One team – We’re all stronger when we work together ○ Build long-term partnerships
13 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part Two VI. Think positively and believe in the “Win-Win” ○ Spirit of abundance ○ In business, as in life, you attract the same type of energy you project ○ Think cooperatively AND competitively
14 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. The Seven Habits: Part Three VII. Develop yourself and your organization – always work from the inside out ○ Professional development is important for everyone – including you! ○ (Re)assess internal efficiencies throughout growth ○ Development through orgs like SECAF
15 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Questions and Answers
16 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute. Resources a searchable database of each Federal award, providing the amount, name and more for each listing a resource of the most widely used NAICS and SIC identification tools
17 Confidential and Proprietary. Do Not Distribute.