1/10 1/28 2/11 2/25 3/11 3/25 4/1 4/8 4/225/2 5/6 5/20 6/3 6/17 INPUTS & OUTPUTS Strategic Plan Development Cycle OUTPUT RI Survey Data Strategy Review Team Community Meetings & Strategy Review Team Specialized Groups & Strategy Review Team Strategy Review Team INPUT CYCLE 1 CYCLE 2 CYCLE 3CYCLE 4 Finalize Prototype 1: Values Prototype 2: Refined Values and Draft Priorities Prototype 3: Refined Values & Priorities plus Draft Key Outcomes & Strategies Final Plan Prototype 4: Refined Values, Priorities, Outcomes & Strategies OUTPUT
Values = Why? Priority Areas = What? Strategies = How?
The Feedback Loop Statewide Survey 10,000+ Prototype 1 Responses ~ Community Meetings 300 Participants Prototype 2 Responses ~400
Priorities Prototype In Person and Offline Revisions RoleResponsibility Lead writerPushing work forward by taking first stab at revision Thought partner(s) Reads work of lead writer and make suggestions
What’s Next? ADT Interviews with national and local experts in content areas ADT splitting into groups to focus on revising priorities, drafting outcomes and strategies Strategy Review Team and RIDE providing “pre-feedback” Prototype 3: Refined Values & Priorities plus Draft Key Outcomes & Strategies OUTPUT
Status of Priorities Personalized Learning: Design experiential, blended, flexible, and differentiated learning pathways that support college and career readiness for every student. Global Competency: Educate students to be globally competent through an appreciation and understanding of people and global issues. Early Childhood Education: Ensure access to high-quality early childhood programs based on the individual needs of every student to support excellence. Resource Investment: Invest funding, and manage assets and expertise to ensure that all students have access to high quality education opportunities that prepare them to be responsible, contributing members of our global society. Assessment Practices: Develop robust and manageable assessment systems and practices in ways that allow student performance to guide instructional decision making. Professional Learning: To support professional learning opportunities for school employees and pre-service teachers in order to strengthen student learning.
Working Under the Priority Umbrella Priorities act as umbrellas for more specific actions
Priority Priority Lever APriority Lever BPriority Lever C Lever - A major category of action or change within each priority. NOT written in the final plan NOT written in the final plan.
STRATEGIES By Priority Area
Strategy Defined Definition of Strategy: the major actions that will occur to advance the priorities and achieve the key outcomes.
Who Can Enact The Strategies? RIDE Community Partners Local Education Agencies
Brainstorm Strategies 1 min - What could RIDE do to incentivize or support the priority? 1 min- What low or no-cost strategy could be enacted by RIDE to support the priority? 1 min – What is RIDE already doing that can be enhanced or improved to support a priority?
Group Work - Strategies 1.Move to chart paper for your chosen priority area 2.For each strategy, identify the actor(s) RIDE, LEA, Community Partners 3.Bucket each strategy under leverage points Add leverage points as needed
Chart paper Leverage Point 1 Actor → Action RIDE → Strategy LEAs → Strategy Community → Strategy Priority Area Title Leverage Point 2 Actor → Action RIDE → Strategy LEAs → Strategy Community → Strategy Leverage Point 3 Actor → Action RIDE → Strategy LEAs → Strategy Community → Strategy Vision of Success In 5 years, success will look like.. – Key Outcome
Example Strategic Plan Structure
Reaction to the Plan Structure + Plus + (Things I liked about the structure) ∆ Delta ∆ (Improvement suggestions for structure) What clarifying questions do you have?