How to brainstorm essay ideas Step 1 – Find a topic What topic do you wish to write about? Main point 1Main point 2 Main point 3 Your premise What’s the issue within the topic? Find a topic that interests you and you want to invest time in writing about! Find a topic you have at least some knowledge about Find a topic that interests you and you want to invest time in writing about! Find a topic you have at least some knowledge about
How to brainstorm essay ideas Step 2 – what’s the issue? World War II Main point 1Main point 2 Main point 3 Your premise What’s the issue within the topic? An issue is a problem, criticism, or an interesting concept about the topic you wish to write about Be sure to not make the issue too broad or too narrow – make it something that’s easy to formulate opinions about! An issue is a problem, criticism, or an interesting concept about the topic you wish to write about Be sure to not make the issue too broad or too narrow – make it something that’s easy to formulate opinions about!
How to brainstorm essay ideas Step 3 – What points do you want to make? World War II Main point 1Main point 2 Main point 3 Your premise Was it right for the U.S. to drop the bomb on Japan? Research the issue you wish to discuss, then formulate your own opinions and ideas Gather sources to back up your points, and DO NOT plagiarize! If an idea is not your own, give it proper citation! Research the issue you wish to discuss, then formulate your own opinions and ideas Gather sources to back up your points, and DO NOT plagiarize! If an idea is not your own, give it proper citation!
How to brainstorm essay ideas Step 4 -- Premise World War II Effects of the bomb Alternatives to dropping the bomb What if the bomb wasn’t dropped? Your premise Was it right for the U.S. to drop the bomb on Japan? Now that you have your main ideas, it’s time to formulate your premise, or your main point about the issue The premise is the main idea you are trying to get across to your readers – your argument It’s usually stated within the introduction and beefs up the conclusion – drive your point home! Now that you have your main ideas, it’s time to formulate your premise, or your main point about the issue The premise is the main idea you are trying to get across to your readers – your argument It’s usually stated within the introduction and beefs up the conclusion – drive your point home!