Analyze the social and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution in the first cities in Europe Examine the reactions to living and working conditions during the IR by the upper, middle and lower classes
Begin to industrialize around 1815 Begin catching up somewhat by 1850 New leaders by 1900
Same things GB needed –Agricultural Revolution –Population Growth –Cottage Industry out… –Global Trade…
GB entrepreneurs and $$? –Continental entrepreneurs did not take risks Napoleon… –Continental System hurts trade and communication of technology –Loss of manpower in wars –Economic and Political Instability –1815, Napoleon Wars end GB ahead of Europe
Borrow, and even STEAL...(?) –Techniques/Practices … –Workers and Experts –Machinery How can GB Respond? –Tries to prevent exportation of machinery and workers –Fails…by 1840 ideas are taken and technical schools open
GB gov didn’t pay much $$...who did in GB? European govs will pay $$… –And play more of a direct role You are the gov…what can you do to industrialize your country? –Grants and pay for education –Finance factory building (capital) –Improved infrastructure Canals, roads, RR
Shield = protection for young businesses GB is the enemy…why? Domination of world market makes it harder for new businesses who want to compete Hypothetical –France puts up protective tariff on GB goods –GB goods kept out of France –French buy same goods made in France
Germany –Unifies in 1871 USA –Coal, Iron, RR –Moves fast after Civil War
Lacked resources –Natural resources –Capital to invest in Industry Russia??? –Has the resources!!! –Social and Political conditions lacking –Starts late 1800s
What is it? Why/How is it happening? Who/what isn’t ready for it?
Various forms of Pollution (3) While population increases quickly, conditions do not improve to accommodate new industrial workers
What classes lived in cities? How are they living? Who wants it that way? Working class lived where?
Hours? Conditions? Safety? Cottage vs Factory What does the worker mean?