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River Network and LeadGreen Watershed Support Network Results Analysis October 2010 by Baird Straughan, from data from the OD team and WSN partners.
River Network and LeadGreen Methodology 159 organizations filled out Initial Asessments for WSN-Phase 2 after filled out Progress Reports in 2009 or (Some gave multiple progress reports.) Compare before and after.
River Network and LeadGreen The median org’ budget grew $17,700, and as a whole the groups added $1.3M to their budgets. Not everyone grew. Significant drops. More or less stable. Significant increases.
River Network and LeadGreen At the beginning of the program, organizations got 62% of their revenue from state and other government. Based on the average percentage of revenue received by groups from these sources.
River Network and LeadGreen At the end, the government portion had dropped to 52%. Dues and corporate funding more than doubled. Based on the average percentage of revenue received by groups from these sources.
River Network and LeadGreen 51 groups gave before and after data; they added 723 new donors.
River Network and LeadGreen 57 groups reported adding 2,007 volunteers.
River Network and LeadGreen Most organizations maintained their volunteer leaders, but more reported significant declines than reported increases. Significant drops. More or less stable. Significant increases.
River Network and LeadGreen Many participating organizations adopted the best practices WSN taught.
River Network and LeadGreen Since the WSN project began in 2003, the core of our work has focused on budgeting and strategic planning, as well as planning for fundraising and for building a strong board.
River Network and LeadGreen Activities.
River Network and LeadGreen For their Progress Reports, more organizations focused on organizing, education, advocacy, and planning.
River Network and LeadGreen Outcomes: The 86 organizations reported that they achieved positive impacts, although some achieved more than others, and not all reported that their work had yet improved or protected water and health.
River Network and LeadGreen They reported that they educated the public, changed behaviors. To a lesser degree, they contributed to better enforcement of laws.
River Network and LeadGreen A significant (but lower) number reported they had contributed to measurable improvements in the health of rivers and people.
River Network and LeadGreen Question 1. Do best practices (like having a fundraising plan) lead to stronger organizations?
River Network and LeadGreen In general, groups which began the program with annual work plans had, at the end, larger expense budgets, more staff, and more donors compared to those without annual workplans.
River Network and LeadGreen In general, groups which began the program with annual budgets ended the program with larger expense budgets, more staff, donors, and volunteers compared to those without.
River Network and LeadGreen In general, groups which began the program with strategic plans ended it with larger budgets, more staff and more donors compared to those without strategic plans.
River Network and LeadGreen In general, groups which began the program with fundraising plans ended it larger budgets, more staff, volunteers, and donors compared to those without fundraising plans.
River Network and LeadGreen So yes, over two years the best practices taught by WSN correlated to stronger organizations (larger budgets, more staff, more volunteers, more donors).
River Network and LeadGreen Question 2. Do stronger organizations report more outcomes?
River Network and LeadGreen Yes, in every case the conditions on the left correlated with the items on the right INITIAL CONDITIONS: Larger budget at the study’s beginning Larger staff at the study’s beginning More volunteers at the study’s beginning More volunteer leaders at the study’s beginning FINAL SUCCESS: More likely to report restoration projects. More likely to report safer drinking water. “ “ “ safer swimming. “ “ “ less toxics in the water. “ “ “ carrying out clean-up projects.
River Network and LeadGreen The percentage reporting measurable improvements in the health of waterways was greater after receiving WSN support.
River Network and LeadGreen Some correlations were particular strong Having a larger budget at the beginning correlated very strongly with: Safer water for drinking and swimmming; Carrying out restoration projects. Having more volunteers at the beginning correlated with: Carrying out restoration projects Carrying out river cleanups. Having more volunteer leaders at the beginning correlated with river cleanups.
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