Carroll County Baltimore County Harford County Howard County Baltimore City Anne Arundel County Partnership Board Orientation MF Changing the Odds For Families & Communities
UW Worldwide – United Way “system” brings focus, expertise, scale, diversity, collaboration and standards of excellence (accountability, transparency, efficiency & effectiveness). 41 countries w/1,800 affiliated organizations; $5.2B USD invested UW USA – all 50 states/12 in Maryland 1,187 independent 501(c)(3) organizations $4.2B revenue; National Goals: Education-Income-Health UW of Central Maryland (UWCM) – Covers 6 jurisdictions 2.7 million people; 50% of population of Maryland 19th largest United Way in U.S. ($34.07M campaign in 2014) Focus: 3 Building Blocks of Family Stability (Education, Financial Stability & Health) and Efficient, Effective Fundraising UWCM’s Place In United Way System 2 MM
Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities Volunteer Roles & Responsibilities Board of Directors : governing; legal & fiduciary responsibility President & CEO reports to Board;46 member max. - some seats designated:: 6 for Partnership Board chairs and 1 for Organized Labor Five Primary Roles: 1.Setting direction for organization 2.Ensuring results 3.Representing United Way in the community 4.Bringing community’s voice to United Way’s decision-making 5.Maintaining community’s trust in the organization 3 Jim Wheeler, Chair Partnership Board: “eyes, ears, voice & presence” of UWCM in its jurisdiction Six of UWCM’s board-level, non-governing volunteer structures Three Primary Roles: 1.Fundraising/Friend Raising (enabling fundraising) 2.Community Investment (understanding local needs &distributing $$) 3.Community Engagement (creating visibility and fostering volunteerism) MM
Partnership Board Chairs Partnership Board Chairs Anne Arundel Tonya Hill BB & T Bank Baltimore City Honorable Susan Gauvey U.S. District Magistrate (Retired). Baltimore County Kenneth Westary Community College of Baltimore County Carroll County Ralph Arnold Transamerica Harford County Paige Boyle Kornke Boyle Buick Howard County Duane St. Clair St. Clair Consulting Ralph Arnold Duane St. Clair Kenneth Westary Paige Boyle Kornke Tonya Hill Susan Gauvey
5 Board, Committees & Their Staff
6 Staff Roles & Responsibilities
UWCM Strategic Direction
Basic Needs Report’s Key Findings Basic Needs Report’s Key Findings FINANCIAL STABILITY Target population : - ≤300% Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - was below self-sufficiency wage in 5 jurisdictions Major benefit programs stop at ≤250% FPL All 6 jurisdictions saw increases in % of children in poverty Evictions for region increased 5% All jurisdictions saw double digit increases in homelessness HEALTH Healthcare was one of 2-1-1’s most requested services (#6) EDUCATION 2 jurisdictions have H.S. graduation rates that meet/exceed state standard 90% Most jurisdictions have double digit % of those reading below grade level 8
Mission & Vision Mission & Vision Mission: Mobilize the community to improve people’s lives Vision: “All central Marylanders have the opportunity to attain a quality education, financial stability and good health - the basic building blocks of a successful life.” 9 Family Stability
10 MM Value Proposition
UWCM Theory of Change “In order to have strong, stable communities, families within those communities must be strong and stable. This requires housing, financial stability, good health and quality education to be present and available for these families: the basic building blocks of self-sufficiency. By targeting resources in identified high need communities while ensuring the safety net across the region remains effective, the trajectory can be changed for these families and ultimately their communities.” 11
12 Family Stability GOAL 1: Advance basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. GOAL 2 : Be an efficient, effective & trusted fundraiser. WHAT Changing The Odds For Families & Communities
13 Family Stability Regional Initiatives Place-Based Sites Long –Term Investments & Local Safety Net GOAL 1: Advance basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. 1.Park Heights at Arlington 2.Brooklyn/Curtis Bay 3.North. Laurel 4.Cockeysville 5.East Side at Henderson-Hopkins 1.Family Stability Investments 2.Operating Grants 3.Response Grants at UWCM 2.Shelter Diversion 3.Early Warning & Response System 4.Access to Healthy Food 5.Volunteer Engagement HOW GOAL 2 : Be an efficient, effective & trusted fundraiser. WHAT 6.West Side at Promise Heights 7.Dundalk 8.Meade Severn 9.Carroll (county-wide) 10.Park Heights at Martin Luther King Jr. Changing The Odds For Families & Communities
14 Family Stability Regional Initiatives Place-Based Sites Long –Term Investments & Local Safety Net GOAL 1: Advance basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. 1.Park Heights at Arlington 2.Brooklyn/Curtis Bay 3.North. Laurel 4.Cockeysville 5.East Side at Henderson-Hopkins 1.Family Stability Investments 2.Operating Grants 3.Response Grants at UWCM 2.Shelter Diversion 3.Early Warning & Response System 4.Access to Healthy Food 5.Volunteer Engagement HOW GOAL 2 : Be an efficient, effective & trusted fundraiser. WHAT 6.West Side at Promise Heights 7.Dundalk 8.Meade Severn 9.Carroll (county-wide) 10.Park Heights at Martin Luther King Jr. Partnership Boards Changing The Odds For Families & Communities
Long-Term Investments and Local Safety Net How much did the Partnership Boards allocate to FY 2016 Investments? $3,000,500
What Are “Local Family Stability Investments?” Deliberate and focused jurisdictional investments designed to produce measureable outcomes over time to help change the trajectory for families and communities. (Minimum $50k/year) 16 HANDOUT: “Partnership Board Grants and Investments”
What Are “Community Operating Grants?” Support the “local safety net” annually in each jurisdiction by helping nonprofits that are meeting basic needs continue to function (up to $30k). 17 HANDOUT: “Partnership Board Grants and Investments”
What Are “Community Response Grants?” Quarterly opportunities to help deal with true emergencies at nonprofits that are typically not anticipated through normal budgeting processes (up to $7.5k). 18
FY2016 Community Operating Grants FY 2016 Requests Received (Apps.) FY 2016 Requests Received ($) FY 2016 Funding Available FY 2015 Requests Received (Apps.) FY2015 Requests Received ($) FY 2015 Funding Available Anne Arundel County 29$771,657$240,00036$826,395$250,000 Balt. City 92$2,541,524$480,000133$3,220,303$496,000 Balt. County 47$1,297,064$330,00053$1,287,141$301,000 Carroll County 16$378,000$62,00017$396,750$50,000 Harford County 19$530,000$140,00032$633,929$150,000 Howard County 15$367,000$104,00020$424,722$100,000 Totals:218$5,885,245$1,356,000291$6,789,240$1,347,000
20 Family Stability Regional Initiatives Place-Based Sites Long –Term Investments & Local Safety Net GOAL 1: Advance basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. 1.Park Heights 2.Brooklyn/Curtis Bay 3.North Laurel 4.Cockeysville 5.East Side at Henderson-Hopkins 6.West Side at Promise Heights 1.Family Stability Investments 2.Operating Grants 3.Response Grants at UWCM 2.Shelter Diversion 3.Early Warning & Response System 4.Access to Healthy Food 5.Volunteer Engagement HOW GOAL 2 : Be an efficient, effective & trusted fundraiser. WHAT Changing The Odds For Families & Communities
21 Regional Initiatives, Programs & Partnerships HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION & SHELTER DIVERSION HANDOUTS: “Building Self-Sufficiency…” & “Progress Report” EARLY WARNING AND RESPONSE SYSTEM
Changing The Odds For Families & Communities 22 Family Stability Regional Initiatives Place-Based Sites Long –Term Investments & Local Safety Net $3m GOAL 1: Advance basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. 1.Park Heights at Arlington 2.Brooklyn/Curtis Bay 3.North. Laurel 4.Cockeysville 5.East Side at Henderson-Hopkins 1.Family Stability Investments 2.Operating Grants 3.Response Grants at UWCM 2.Shelter Diversion 3.Early Warning & Response System 4.Access to Healthy Food 5.Volunteer Engagement HOW GOAL 2 : Be an efficient, effective & trusted fundraiser. WHAT 6.West Side at Promise Heights 7.Dundalk 8.Meade Severn 9.Carroll (county-wide) 10.Park Heights at Martin Luther King Jr.
Carroll County Baltimore County Harford County Howard County Baltimore City Anne Arundel County 23 Park Heights at Arlington Brooklyn/ Curtis Bay North Laurel Cockeysville East Side at Henderson Hopkins West Side at Promise Heights Dundal k Meade Severn Park Heights at Martin Luther King, Jr. See Inset at Right Maryland at UWCM Shelter Diversion Access to Healthy Food Early Warning & Response System Volunteer Engagement Multiple Regionally-Based Services/Programs/Initiatives Neighborhood Place-Based Integrated Services
How Do We Measure Success? How do we decide what to measure ? Where do our measures come from? When and how do we measure? How do we ensure independence and objectivity? 24
Quarterly Progress Report 25
Active programs located in Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City (Park Heights, Brooklyn/Curtis Bay, East Side at Henderson-Hopkins, Promise Heights), Baltimore County (Cockeysville), Carroll County, and Howard County. Programs to launch in Dundalk (Baltimore County), Highlandtown (Baltimore City), and Harford County. 1 Reasons that families disengage from the program vary and include: move out of the program area, referral to alternative program, and non-compliance with program participation requirements. 2 While there were families who disengaged from the program, no families became homeless while in program. * One student did not remain stable in school through the end of March 2015; aided by case management, the student made a planned, supported transfer in April, but that 4Q activity is not reflected in the counts above. Site-Based Family Stability Dashboard 26
53 families have fully assumed responsibility for their housing, are no longer receiving rental assistance, and remain housed. 139 of the 141 families placed in housing (99%) have remained housed. Regional Family Stability Dashboard 27
Regional Family Stability Dashboard 28
Goal 2 - Efficient & Effective Fundraiser Member of largest charitable organization in US & world Solicits 300,000+ prospective donors in aggregate 600+ private sector business relationships in central Maryland Source of low cost funding for more than 1,600 agencies Open, flexible designations for as little as $2.00 per week Designation fees only 5% with a $5 minimum / $500 cap MANO Standards for Excellence certified (14 years) 29 MM Standards for Excellence® Accredited
Strategic Imperatives that Support the 2 Goals Strategic Imperatives: A. Deepen and Broaden our Family Stability Work B.Balance Regional Initiatives, Local Action and Individual Engagement C.Increase and Diversify Revenue and Resources Under Management D.Focus on Workplaces & Individuals in Building Relationships & Our Brand E. Align Governance, Staffing & Operations to the Work F.Maintain Strong Two-Way Communications With Key Stakeholders 30
31 How Do $$ Flow to Support Our Work? How much revenue does UWCM have each year in total? How much of that do we have control over? What do we do with it?
Resource Allocation Summary FY 2015 Based on UWCM Projected F/S for June 30, 2015 [ $5.87 M + $1.45 M ][ $21.09 M + $9.49 M ] = + PROGRAMS = $30.58 M OPERATIONS = $7.32 M $39.44 M TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES TOTAL PROJECTED REVENUES (CAMPAIGN. GRANT, FEE INCOME, SPONSORSHIPS, OTHER INCOME, INVESTMENT GAINS, ETC.) Public Sector CFC, MCC & CCC DONOR CHOICE (DESIGNATIONS TO AGENCIES ) $ 9.49 Million $ 1.45 Million Public Sector + [$1.54M ] Overhead = 18.34% RESOURCES UNDER MANAGEMENT $ 19.9M UWW LICENSING FEES $0.2 Million RESERVES $1.54 Million Private Sector FUNDING FOR IMPACT WORK $6.85 Million DONOR CHOICE (DESIGNATIONS TO AGENCIES ) $ Million 211 MD at UWCM $1.27 Million UWCM PROGRAM SERVICES $2.90 Million FUNDRAISING & MARKETING $ 3.71 Million Private Sector ADMINISTRATION $ 1.96 Million Surplus (INCLUDES UNREALIZED GAINS) 13
UWCM has held Standards for Excellence “Seal of Excellence” since Standards for Excellence® Accredited Independent Ratings Are Solid 33 UWCM “star” rating next to highlighted box. Number represents percentage of ALL organizations reviewed which received that star rating. RM Based on 2007 (42)Based on 2008 (99)Based on 2012(213) 4 Star35.7%13.1%34.3% 3 Star38.1%43.4%52.1% 2 Star23.8%32.3%13.2% 1 Star2.4%11.1%0.0% 0 Star0.0% 0.4%
UWCM IS CHANGING THE ODDS FOR FAMILIES & COMMUNITI ES We’re advancing the basic building blocks of education, financial stability and health to help families facing poverty achieve self-sufficiency. Results-driven programs. Collective impact. 34 What To Say: Elevator Speech MM
35 What To Say: UWCM’s Value What To Say: UWCM’s Value From Back Page of Progress Report
Tools: Online Board & Partnership Board Manual To Log In : Visit: Username: uwcmboard Password: 2015 Online Manual Will Go Live Late September 2015
Carroll County Baltimore County Harford County Howard County Baltimore City Anne Arundel County 37 Questions?