Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) Enabling Geospatial Web Services National STORET Users Conference November 16, 2004 Matt Moss SAIC
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - About - Provides an integrated view of environmental concerns in Indian Country (federally recognized tribes). Full function Geographic Information System (GIS) allows visualization, spatial analysis across a variety of environmental topics (e.g., air, water, land). Emphasis on integration of geospatial services for greater access to core enterprise and geospatial reference information. Available only to EPA AIEO, tribes, and trusted partners.
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - Data Layers - Geospatial services - EPA STORET monitors (XML) - USGS NWIS monitors (XML) - TerraService aerial photography (image service) - Geography Network (shaded relief, FEMA flood zones [image service]) NHD/RAD hydrography layers - Rivers/Streams, water bodies - Impairments Static Oracle Spatial, ArcSDE layers - Tribal boundaries - AK, OK Allotments - Framework data (roads, political boundaries, etc.) Regulated Facilities - TRIS, PCS, AFS, CERCLIS, RCRAINFO
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - Why Services? - Advantages - Timely - Latest-and-greatest - No need to manage copies - Emphasis on partnerships, communications - Not proprietary if XML Disadvantages - No need to manage copies - Emphasis on partnerships, communications - At mercy of access to source site, changes to source configuration
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - The STORET Service (at a glance) – XML Modernized STORET Database, Tools HTTP Oracle Web Server Application Server
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - The STORET Service (XML product) – - <!-- Oracle DBXML Version Query Results at 16-NOV :24:24 --> - <!-- SELECT "PkISNIdentifier","StationIdentifier","StationName","OrganizationIdentifier","OrganizationFormalName", "PrimaryTypeName","LatitudeMeasure","LongitudeMeasure","HorizontalReferenceDatumName","HorizontalCollectionMethodText", "CountryName","HydrologicUnitCode","HydrologicUnitName","NativeAmericanLandName","StationSGOIndicator" FROM STORET_STATION_WME_VW WHERE "LatitudeMeasure" <= AND "LatitudeMeasure" >= AND "LongitudeMeasure" <= AND "LongitudeMeasure" >= > LAKE: BIG 9 MI W OF CLOQUET MNPCA1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Lake World Geodetic System 1984 Interpolation-Map UNITED STATES St. Louis. --- S LAKE: PERCH 3 MI NW OF SAWYER MNPCA1 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Lake World Geodetic System 1984 Interpolation-Map UNITED STATES St. Louis. --- S
STORET Water Monitoring Stations
Tribal Information Management System (TIMS) - Let’s Talk – Ed Liu Environmental Protection Agency American Indian Environmental Office Matt Moss Science Applications International Corporation Solutions Delivery Center If you have (or know of) a data set that would fit well into the TIMS framework, have comments, or would like more information…