The Road to 2010 and Beyond BirdLife’s Advocacy & Communications Plan
Global objectives of IYB Enhance public awareness Raise awareness of the accomplishments already achieved. Call on individuals, organizations and governments. Promote innovative solutions to reduce these threats. Start dialogue among stakeholders for the steps to be taken in the post-2010 period.
Opportunities for BirdLife Profile- communicate: our work generally and on specific aspects; and the unique structure of the BirdLife Partnership. Advocate our positions on key technical and other issues. Explore avenues for fundraising.
BirdLife messages and strengths Main Messages Biodiversity (birds) matters It is in crisis The ‘fixes’ are known ‘Political will’ and money needed No more broken promises??? Any more ideas? BirdLife strengths Robust science On-the-ground experience Structure (civil society pptn)
The Road to Nagoya BirdLife’s Advocacy for CBD COP – 29 October 2010
BirdLife CBD advocacy The issues Existing & Post-2010 Biodiversity Targets Protected Areas Marine Indicators: GBO 3 IPBES Climate Change Conservation Finance Strengths / interests Robust science On-the-ground experience Structure (civil society pptn)
Review of Existing 2010 Target Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP 2010) Input to Global Biodiversity Outlook-3 Report On-the-ground case studies Several indicators – Red List Index – Global Wild Birds Index – IBA Protection Index
Development of Post-2010 Targets Elements Ambitious Science- measurable On-the-ground Involve NGOs Links to climate, poverty, ES, wellbeing Funding Targets Stop biodiversity loss Restoration P-S-B-R framework ‘SMART’ Specific texts 2015 Milestones
Protected Areas BirdLife contributions to POWPA (Profile) Gap analyses Monitoring Equity & participation
Marine & Coastal Biodiversity In-depth review of programme CBD High Seas MPA criteria Marine IBA criteria AHTEG on guidelines for applying criteria
Process- Opportunities SCBD- proposals, peer review and e-consultations, MoU IUCN- proposals and consultations Regional and global preparatory workshops National and regional lobbying SBSTTA-14 and WGRI-3 IPBES 1-3 and UNEP-GC/GMEF COP-10 Nagoya Post COP-10
SBSTTA-14, WGRI-3 Press on launch of GBO-3 and IDB Release of indicator fact sheets Preliminary output of CCI linked indicators project Joint side events (BIP, SGLCP, AZE, KBAs) (Side event on Liberia/ Sierra Leone Transboundary PA) Distribution of revised leaflet on Marine IBAs and GOBI brochure and release of Sustainable Development brochure IBA/ PA monitoring in Africa side event and brochure Poster on Climate Change and distribution of ‘Partners with Nature’ report
CBD/BirdLife Partnership – to be attended by HIH Princess Takamado Side event on the IBA Programme Side event on BirdLife’s work on climate change (Asia/Africa) Exhibitions BirdLife Gala Dinner in Tokyo COP-10, Nagoya
BirdLife’s Communications Plan
IYB Events – Spring Alive, World Bird Festival, Partner events Case studies of good practice/successes – SoWB, report case studies e.g. LCG reviews International Biodiversity Day (22 May) – BirdLife launches – Encourage BirdLife Partners IYB Facebook – BirdLife news & activities – Promote participation CBD Secretariat needs for IYB
Africa Climate exChange Linking to IYB
Main global events Launch of Global Biodiversity Outlook-3 (GBO-3) Report (10 May 2010) International Day for Biodiversity (IDB) 22 May 2010 UN Summit (NY, 22/25 September 2010) Launch of ‘Stern for Nature’ TEEB Report (Oct 2010) Attempts to establish IPCC for biodiversity (IPBES) Development of the post-2010 biodiversity targets CBD SBSTTA-14 and WGRI-3 (Nairobi, 10 – 28 May 2010) CBD COP-10 (Nagoya, 18 – 29 October 2010)
Partner needs – Sec role CBD process Policy frameworks Overviews e.g. case studies International/regional events BirdLife International needs – Partner role Up BirdLife visibility Join in BirdLife activities Activity updates BirdLife Sec – BirdLife Partner
Share resources and information Similar to Climate exChange For Partners only (password) New reports Presentations Other materials BirdLife CBD Exchange
Biodiversity is Life, Biodiversity is our life IYB and World Bird Festival
World Wetlands Day (RAMSAR) World Migratory Birds Day (CMS AEWA) International Biodiversity Day (CBD) World Environment Day (UNEP) Earth Day IMBD BirdLife and “ UN ” convention days
World Wetland Day (RAMSAR) World Migratory Birds Day (CMS AEWA) International Biodiversity Day (CBD) World Environment Day (UNEP) Earth Day IMBD BirdLife and “ UN ” convention days Review our involvement Focus on activities to promote Data for future strategic planning
Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) Main Elements & the process Objective & Nature of ABS Scope Access Benefit Sharing Traditional knowledge Compliance Capacity building and funding
Ramsar Opportunities -RAM -Montreux Record -Jensen Project ‘Building on success: turning policy advances into conservation gains across the BirdLife Partnership’ CMS flyways Ramsar & other conventions…