Mr. Ermer U.S. History Miami Beach Senior High
: 25 million European arrive “New Immigrants ”: Southern and Eastern Europe Ellis Island, NY Most immigrants move to cities, form ethnic neighborhood (“Little Italy”) Recreate life similar to homelands Unskilled workers
Unrest at home drives Chinese to immigrate 1860s, Chinese come to build railroads American-born discriminate against Chinese Form own neighborhoods, open businesses Industrialization drives Japanese to immigrate : Japanese immigration at highest level Angel Island
Native born Americans hatred of immigrants Main targets: Irish, Jews, Asians, Eastern Europeans Reasons for Nativism: Fear of Catholics/influence of pope Worry about immigrants taking jobs for lower pay American Protective Association Anti-Catholic group targeting Irish, Italian, Polish
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Barred Chinese from immigrating for 10 years Chinese already in country cannot apply for citizenship Japanese gov’t offended by “Oriental Schools” President Theodore Roosevelt makes “Gentlemen’s Agreement” with Japanese emperor Japan agrees to limit amount of Japanese leaving for U.S., San Francisco promises to let Japanese children attend regular public schools
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