國際文化體驗課程 Curriculums and Clubs 課程與社團. What are the curriculums in my school? ( 有哪些課程? ) 國文 Chinese 英文 English 數學 Mathematics 歷史 History 地理 Geography 公民與社會.


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Presentation transcript:

國際文化體驗課程 Curriculums and Clubs 課程與社團

What are the curriculums in my school? ( 有哪些課程? ) 國文 Chinese 英文 English 數學 Mathematics 歷史 History 地理 Geography 公民與社會 Civic and Social Education

What are the curriculums in my school? ( 有哪些課程? ) 物理 Physics 化學 Chemistry 生物 Biology 基礎地球科學 Fundamental Earth Sciences 地球與環境 Earth and Environment 體育 Physical Education

What are the curriculums in my school? ( 有哪些課程? ) 健康與護理 Health and Nursing 家政 Home Economics 生活科技 Living Technology 音樂 Music 美術 Fine Arts 藝術生活 Applied Arts

What are the curriculums in my school? ( 有哪些課程? ) 國防通識 General Education of Military Defense 生命教育 Life Education 生涯規劃 Career Planning 資訊 Information Science 全民國防教育 National Defense Education

What are the clubs in my school? ( 有哪些社團? ) 英語會話社 English Conversation Club 管樂社 Wind Instrument Club 管絃樂隊 Student Orchestra 國樂社 Chinese Music Club 國劇社 Chinese Opera Club 藝術社 Fine Arts Club

What are the clubs in my school? ( 有哪些社團? ) 桌球隊 Table Tennis Team 籃球隊 Basketball Team 棒球隊 Baseball Team 足球隊 Football Team 排球隊 Volleyball Team 羽毛球隊 Badminton team 游泳隊 Swim Team

What are the clubs in my school? ( 有哪些社團? ) 辯論社 Debate Team 吉他社 Guitar Club 書法社 Chinese Calligraphy Club 直排輪社 In-line Skating Club 魔術社 Magic Club 合唱團 Chorus 話劇社 Drama Club

What are the clubs in my school? ( 有哪些社團? ) 登山社 Mountain Climbing Club 攝影社 Photography Club 國術社 Chinese Martial Arts Club 童軍社 Scouts Club 電影研究社 Film Club 天文社 Astronomical Club

I can describe… 1.The contents of my curriculums. 2. My favorite curriculums. (Why?) 3. The club I participate in. (Why?) Any Performances or Competitions? 4. My viewpoints on the educational system in Taiwan?

I can ask my e-pals about… 1. The curriculums my e-pal takes. 2. The clubs or extra-curricular activities my e-pal participates in. 3. His/Her viewpoints on the educational system in their country.

I can also mention… The unique phenomena in education in Taiwan like 1.We spend almost 10 hours studying at school. 2. We take the nap at noon at school. 3. We have the military instructors in our school to discipline our behavior.

The educational system in Taiwan

If you have corresponded with your pal for a while, you can start your mail by saying, Hi, How have you been recently? I hope that I can share with you something special about my school life, including the curriculums and clubs.

If you haven’t found a pal, you can start your mail by saying, Hi, I’m a senior high school student in Taiwan. I hope that I can have the opportunity to correspond with you. Are you interested in the educational system in Taiwan. It will be my honor to introduce something special about my school life, including the curriculums and clubs.