水果 shu ǐ gu ǒ
蘋 / 苹果 píng gu ǒ
香蕉 xiāng jiāo
pú táo 葡萄
c ǎ o méi 草莓
XĪ guā 西瓜
guǒ ① fruit of a plant ② effect (in cause and effect); result; fruit; consequence ③ surely; really; truly; exactly ④ stuff; fill ⑤ succeed
xiāng ① fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatic; balmy ② tasty; delicious
jiāo banana
cǎo ① grass; herbs; weed ② coarse; crude ③ draft (writing); draft ④ the script type of Chinese calligraphy
méi ① moss; lichen ② edible berries
pú ① the grave; vine ② short for Portugal
táo used in combination for grapes
west, western, westward west, western, westward XĪ 西方 xīfāng (the west, western country) 西瓜 xīguā (watermelon) 西方 xīfāng (the west, western country) 西瓜 xīguā (watermelon) Bùsh ǒ u: yà 部首 : 襾 cover ; to cover Bùsh ǒ u: yà 部首 : 襾 cover ; to cover
guā ① melon; gourd; cucumber ② dead
pín the apple
píng the apple simplified form of 「蘋」