“Corneal CXL for the Treatment of Non- Responding Infectious Keratitis ” Cristian A. Cartes, MD ; Miguel Srur, MD; Leonidas Traipe, MD Fundación Oftalmológica los Andes, Santiago, Chile.
The authors have no financial interest in the subject matter of this research
Purpose To report the use of corneal collagen crosslinking in the treatment of infective keratitis not responding to antimicrobial therapy.
Methods Retrospective, case series of patients with infectious keratitis unresponsive to antimicrobial therapy. Patients were treated by instilling riboflavin 0.1% solution for 10 minutes to saturate the cornea, followed by exposure to UVA light for 20 minutes. The primary outcome was the time to resolution of the epithelial defect.
Results Eleven patients (13 eyes) were included. After riboflavin and UV collagen crosslinking therapy, there was a rapid decrease of pain.
Results Hm: hand motion, cf: counting fingers, n.a.: not availabe
Conclusion This serie suggests the positive effects of riboflavin and UV collagen crosslinking on infectious keratitis unresponsive to antimicrobial therapy. We think this treatment should be considered in refractive keratitis. Randomized studies are needed to further evaluate efficacy.
“Corneal CXL for the Treatment of Non- Responding Infectious Keratitis ” Cristian A. Cartes, MD (Presenting Author); Miguel Srur, MD; Leonidas Traipe, MD Fundación Oftalmológica los Andes, Santiago, Chile. Mail to: