Microscope Parts Quiz Multiply the lenses together to get the total magnification. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. eyepieceilluminatorstagearm fine focus coarse focus iris diaphragm objective lenses stage controls
How to use a microscope. 1.Prepare your slide. 2.Turn the red objective into alignment. 3.Open the iris diaphragm. 4.Place the slide on the stage with the cover slip facing up. 5.Adjust the stage controls. 6.Focus with coarse focus. (big knob) 7.Focus with fine focus. (little knob)
How to use a microscope. 8.Align the yellow objective. 9.Focus with the fine focus only. (little knob) 10.Align the blue objective. 11.Focus with the fine focus only. (little knob) 12.Partially close the iris diaphragm. If you use the coarse focus you could break the slide and the objective!
Cell Wall Cell Membrane