States of Matter To move to each slide, click your mouse.
There are three states of matter Solids Liquids Gases
Solids Solids have a shape of their own. Solids have a definite size. Solids keep their shape unless a force changes it. Solids don’t flow together when they touch. The atoms of solids are very close together.
Examples of Solids
Liquids Liquids can be poured. Liquids don’t have a shape of their own. They take the shape of the containers they are in. Liquids of the same kind flow together. Liquids will allow a solid to pass through them easily. Atoms in liquids are farther apart than atoms in solids.
Examples of Liquids
Gases Gases don’t have a shape of their own. They completely fill the containers they are in. Gases don’t have a definite size. Gases will allow a solid or liquid to pass through them easily. Atoms in gases are very far apart.
Examples of Gases