Integrated Science Grade 8 Mrs. Webb
Branches of Sciences Social Science Natural Science
The Natural Sciences Life Science Earth Science Geology, Astronomy Physical Science Physics, Chemistry
The Nature of Science Chapter 1
Science is the pursuit of observing facts in order to understand the world we live in
Go Bananas! Observing facts Use your senses Inference Use what you already know
Pure Science is the search for scientific knowledge Technology is the application of that knowledge
Science is a process not a set of facts. Information about the world around us is always changing.
Always starts with a question. Searching for an answer is doing Science
A problem solving attitude think critically about a question test possible answers collect data unbiased observations
Toxic Waste Activity
The Scientific Method a systematic approach to problem solving a way of thinking using logic and reason NOT a rigid set of steps
Scientific Theory explanation that has been tested by repeated observations always being questioned and examined a possible explanation
Scientific Law a summary of natural events states a repeated observation about nature quantitative/qualitative
Scientific Model a representation of an object or event can be studied to understand the real object or event
Facts and Fiction Historical Facts a true statement about the existence of something or about a past event
based on physical evidence fossil, skeleton, ruins based on recorded evidence writings, drawings
Facts and Fiction Scientific Facts based on observation using the 5 senses must be measurable and repeatable
Facts and Fiction Tools scientists use to make observations microscope telescope spectrophotometer
Facts and Fiction Universal Statements either includes everything or excludes everything can’t be proven by observation
Facts and Fiction Value judgments placing value on things observation can not determine value
Facts and Fiction Biblical Truth the Bible claims to be the Word of God (II Tim 3:16) eternal spiritual importance
Evidence fulfilled prophecy accurate records of history accurate descriptions of world inner testimony of believer
Mathematics Language of Science International System of Units SI Units are used for consistency Table 1-1 page 16
SI Units based on the metric systemmetric system Prefixes for very large or very small measurements Table 1-2 &1-3 page 16
Kilo 1000 Hecto 100 Deka 10 Basic Unit Deci.1 Centi.01 Mili.001
SI Units Practice on page 17 Making Measurements page 18 copy Vocab into Notes
Scientific Notation method for recording very large or very small numbers reduces the number of zeros (powers of 10)
Significant Numbers the digits in a measurement that are known with certainty shows the accuracy of the tool being used
Significant Numbers Accuracy – extent to which the measurement approaches the true value Precision – degree of exactness of a measurement
Organizing Data made easier to read with charts or graphs choose method that will be easiest to read line or bar graph pie chart Page 21
Skill Builder Lab Making Measurements Page 30-33