The Oedipus Saga Thebes: The Trailer Park Of Ancient Greece!
King Laius Marries Queen Jocasta They have a son The Oracle tells them the son will kill his father and marry his mother Laius pierces the baby’s feet and hands him to a shepherd with instructions to leave the baby out to die Shepherd feels sorry for baby – hands baby to a herdsman, who takes him to Corinth
The Throne of Corinth Has a New Heir! The king and queen are childless, so they name the baby Oedipus, (“Swollen Foot”), and raise him as their own. Oedipus keeps hearing rumors about his heritage He goes to the Oracle at Delphi to find the truth – there he hears about the prophecy and thinks he needs to stay away from Corinth Outside of Thebes he has a run in with an old man and his servants – he kills them all and continues his journey
What a Sphinx! Next, O. runs into the Sphinx who terrorizes the countryside. He solves her riddle and kills her, earning the eternal gratitude of the people of Thebes. He is the hero of Thebes!
The New King of Thebes! Since King Laius has been killed by bandits(!), Jocasta offers her hand in marriage to O. – it is the will of the people, and they need a new king. They have 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls The prophecy has been fulfilled EWWWW!
The Plague of Thebes The people of Thebes want to know why they are dropping dead at an alarming rate. The Oracle informs O. that he must find out who killed king Laius for the plague to end. This leads to O. figuring out that he has fulfilled the prophecy of his birth. His wife kills herself
The Blind Wanderer Oedipus feels death is too good for him He plucks out his eyes and wanders the earth for the rest of his days. His daughter Antigone is his guide and companion Given sanctuary by King Theseus, he dies and is buried at Colonus (near Athens) On his deathbed he curses his two sons for fighting over the throne of Thebes
Getting the Story Straight LabdacusMenoeceus LaiusJocastaCreonEurydice OedipusJocasta MegareusHaemon EteoclesPolyneicesIsmeneAntigone