MOLLUSKS NOTES #9 Gastropods, Bivalves, Cephalopods,
What are Mollusks? Phylum Molluska Phylum Molluska –Gastropods –Bivalves –Cephalopods Characteristics Characteristics –Invertebrates –Bilateral Symmetry –Soft bodies covered w/ shells –Mantle that covers internal organs –Move with a foot –Gills to remove oxygen from water –Radula (ribbon of tiny teeth) scrapes food from surfaces
Gastropods “stomach foot” Examples Snails, slugs Habitat Land, sea Shell Single shell or no shell Foot Creep on a broad foot Food Use radulae: Herbivores, Carnivores, Scavengers WOW Can survive a long time
Bivalves “two shells” Examples Clams, Mussels, Oysters, Scallops Habitat Watery environments Shell Two shells held by hinges/muscles Foot Thin foot; move slowly; digs Food No radulae: filter feeders (strain food from water) WOW Oysters make pearls
Cephalopods “tentacles” Examples Octopuses, cuttlefish, nautiluses, squids Habitat Ocean; swim by jet propulsion Shell Nautilus (external); Squid/Cuttlefish (internal); Octopus (none) Foot Formed into tentacles (can taste/tough) around mouth FoodCarnivores WOW Large eyes, large brain; intelligent
Draw a Snail Page 51 of your textbook Label all parts