Today i´m going to explain a presentation about mollusks
Information Bivalves How do they eat Gastropods Cephalopods Mollusks and humans beings A Pearl Questions Videos
Any of some 75,000 species of soft- bodied invertebrate animals (phylum Mollusca), many of which are wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell secreted by the mantle, a soft covering formed from the body wall.invertebrate
BBivalves (Bivalvia) are a group of molluscs that include clams, scallops, oysters, mussels, razor shells, cockles, venus shells, borers, trough shells and many others (some of which have yet to be identified
Bivalves are filter feeders,this means that they stract nutrients from the water. Mollusks have a rough tongue called’s gotmany tiny teeth on it’s surface. mollusks use their radula to scrape food and break it into smaller pieces.
Many gastropods,like snails,have got a spiral shell.other gastropods,like slugs,haven’t got a shell Gastropods have got a head and body.they’ve also got four tentacles. Most gastropods are hervivores
Cephalopods have got a head with a mouth and well-developed eyes. They’ve also got long arms to catch their food.Some cephalopods,like squid have got tentacles too. Most cephalopods are carnivores
We use mollusks for a number of purposes. We can eat somo types of mollusks,such us mussels,clams,oysters,cockles,squid,and octopuses We can also use the shells and pearls of oysters to make jewellery and beautiful objects
Sometimes a small grain of sand is between the oyster’s shell and the mantle,the oyster produces a hard shiny substance called nacre to protect itself.The sand is slowly covered with many layers of nacre that eventualy form a pearl.for this reason,nacre is called ´mother of pearl´
1.How do bivalves eat? 2.what is the name of the substance of the oyster? do we call snail’s tongue? 4.bivalves have a shell? 5.have gastropods a shell?
1.they filter the water 2. nacre 3.radula they haven’t 5.yes they have