Hi Everyone!!!! Welcome to my class. I am Monica Mauri and I am looking forward to working with each and every one of you. You can just call me Monica.
This course runs from September 22- November 30, 2010 Course Number :PS 115 Course Title: Contemporary Issues in Psychology Credit Hours: 5 Prerequisites: None
How to contact me Instructor Contact Information: You may contact me via or AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) during office hours. Kaplan Address: AIM Instant Messenger Name: Monicamauri When you me, please specify what class you are in.
Seminar and Office Hours Course/Seminar Day and Time (EST): Thursday 7-8pm EST
Do you have the right materials??? Course Materials: Software: Microsoft Word is required for all Kaplan Courses No textbook in this class
What will we learn in this class????? This course introduces students to the larger discipline of Psychology through guided explorations of contemporary issues often studied in this field. Students will explore topics related but not limited to various psychological fields such as behavior analysis, child development and substance abuse. While studying such topics as stress and life events, students will discuss how these issues directly affect their lives and those of others. The course is specifically designed for first term students interested in studying psychology as a major interest to acquaint them with information about psychology and how it is applied to real-life events.
What we will be doing throughout the weeks: Course Outline: Unit 1: Introduction Unit 2: Behaviors Unit 3: Stressors and Life Events Unit 4: Mental Health and Confidentiality Issues Unit 5: Substance Abuse Unit 6: Adolescent Issues: Peer Pressure Unit 7: Children: Learning Disabilities Unit 8: Media and Psychology Unit 9: Research in Psychology Unit 10: Reflection on Contemporary Issues in Psychology
1000 points total AssessmentsNumberPoints eachTotal Points Seminars9545 Discussions Projects225, Final Project1200 Total Points1000 Points
A points A points B points B points B points C points C points C points D points D points F points
To get an A in class Make sure you look at the syllabus for what is expected. Rubrics are provided.
Discussion Grading Criteria % - Points Grading Criteria % - Points Makes one primary post for each discussion thread (there may be more than one thread) answering each of the questions fully with substance meeting length requirements (100 words for each primary post) Makes two or more thoughtful responses to other students on each thread contributing to the quality of the discussion and meets length requirements ( words for each peer response) Primary responses make at least 1 reference to the unit material, text, or other academic source Responses are clearly written.0 – 10 TOTAL70 An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.
To get an A on discussion posts Answer the weekly discussion question. Please remember that sometimes there are 2 questions. 100 word minimum Respond to at least two of your classmates per board words In other words 3 good, substantive posts per board.
To get an A on projects Unit 1 Project Grading Criteria % - Points Student completes bio portion of the project as assigned Student successfully attaches project and submits via the drop box TOTAL25 An explanation of the points earned, as well as where the assignment could be strengthened will be included with your grade.
I will grade all of your projects at least by Sunday the week they are due, unless they are late.
Tutoring You can chat with a live tutor during live tutoring hours (listed in the Writing Center) who can help you locate material within the Writing Center, understand a particular assignment, and explore the Kaplan library. You can submit a paper and receive comments specific to that paper within hours.
Uh oh!!!! My work will be late Keep me informed of any unusual circumstance. Late work for units will not be accepted after midnight Tuesday of Unit 5. Postings for units will not be accepted after midnight Tuesday of unit 9. Please notify me via when you submit late work to any unit. Points will be deducted
I am looking forward to having you in my class. We are going to have a wonderful semester!!!!!
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
What are the goals of psychology?
The goals of psychology are…….. to describe, explain, predict, and sometimes influence behavior
Psychologists rely on the scientific method when researching an issue. More on this topic next week………
History of Psychology
Phrenology -mid 1800’s The process of examining bumps on a person’s skull to determine that person’s intellect and character traits.
Wilhelm Wundt ( ) Started the first laboratory of psychology in 1879, Leipzig, Germany Established modern psychology as a separate, formal field of study
Who is known as “the father of psychology?”
William James William James ( )is often called the “father of psychology.” He taught the first class in psychology at Harvard University in It took him 12 years to write the first textbook of psychology, The Principles of Psychology.
Contemporary Approaches
Psychoanalytic psychology Unconscious motivations influence our behavior
Behavioral Psychology Events in the environment (rewards and punishment) influence behavior.
Humanistic Psychology Individual or self directed choices influence behavior
Cognitive Psychology How we process, store, and retrieve information influences our behavior.
Biological Psychology Biological factors influence our behavior
Sociocultural Psychology Ethnicity, gender, culture, and socioeconomic status influence our behavior
What is the difference? Psychologists Psychiatrists Clinical Psychologists Counseling Psychologist