EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Lakewood Community Services Center
Household Statistics August 2015 Stated reason for need for emergency food: Inadequate public assistance % Recently unemployed/no income Reduction/loss of food stamps Low income, part-time employed Low income, full-time employed SSI/Retirement benefits too low No income Homebound Total Households % Households with employment income-related need %
Lakewood Community Services Center Networks Job Resource Center at LCSC A partnership with Towards Employment, Inc. launched in June 2014 What we learned in Pilot Year This is only non-mandated Towards Employment program; motivation very different Low client self-esteem after years of unemployment; job level expectations unrealistic Lack of basic computer skills significantly impacts online job search Need for a two-tier approach to job skills training/job search Retention support critical to client success TE specialist must have direct job placement experience
Lakewood Community Services Center Networks Job Resource Center at LCSC What we are doing to address issues: LCSC social workers ensuring clients are motivated to seek/secure employment prior to program referral New TE training specialist has improved outcomes: 24 placements YTD July; hourly rate of $9.04 up from $8.53 in 2014 LCSC developed barriers screen/referral form to better inform TE specialist LCSC social workers address self-esteem issues ongoing as needed Secured volunteers for basic computer skills training on open Mondays TE management developed a two-tier curriculum LCSC lead social worker has assumed role of retention coach - Strong existing client relationships - Sees clients on regular basis - Well-positioned to offer referrals to support services
Lakewood Community Services Center Networks Job Resource Center at LCSC - Tier I Tier I Curriculum Outline 1 st Tuesday1 st Wednesday1 st Thursday Activity:Ready: What it takes to find a job Overview of the process Creating a resume Understanding what is interview appropriate Writing cover and thank you letters Set: Getting prepared for the job search Part I Communication Presentation Identifying the right jobs Set: Getting prepared for the job search Part II How to complete applications Interviewing Tier I Curriculum Outline 2 nd Tuesday2 nd Wednesday2 nd Thursday Activity:Go: Mock interviews Finalize resume Create the job search plan Certificates and beginning the job search Job search (continued)
Lakewood Community Services Center Networks Job Resource Center at LCSC - Tier II Designed for the less committed drop in participants Participation in open job club, have access to the computer lab, go through the assessment process and receive one-on-one assistance from the TE training specialist Can take advantage of open computer skills classes Open hours Tuesday through Thursdays from 12:30pm – 2:30pm. Tier II participants will be encouraged to move up into Tier I
Lakewood Community Services Center Networks Job Resource Center at LCSC – Year 2 Objectives Successfully implement two-tiered approach Serve a total of 120 clients (76 in Tier I and 44 in Tier II) during the period January 1, 2016 – December 31, Tier ITier II - 76 participate - 44 participate - 61 complete program - 10 secure employment - 32 secure employment Achieve a 90 day retention rate of 70% (29 individuals) Continue to link Networks participants with support services Continue to secure private foundation funding