Sara Eaton Technology Education
Computers Each of you have been assigned a seat. This is to be your seat for the entire semester. You are responsible for your space. Be sure to leave it as you found it. Headsets are available for you and are to be left on the side of your computer. If you would like, you may bring your own headsets from home for class use.
Dreamweaver This is a paperless course. That means you will need to post all of your work to your website using Dreamweaver. Some people are more familiar with this program than others. People who know it will be expected to support those that do not. People that are new to Dreamweaver are expected to concentrate and learn quickly.
Web Structure There is a mandatory set-up for your Website that you will all be expected to follow. This will include main links, files and folders. You will need to set up a Blogging Account for your learning reflections. Please set up one at Submit your address to me before the end of the class.
Attendance If you do not attend class, you are responsible for the work. If you are in a groupwork situation, you will be letting down your classmates. In special circumstances, a doctor’s note may be requested.
Quality of Work I believe in meaningful activities, and taking pride in the things you make for yourself. In short, do a GOOD (or even GREAT) job. I will provide you with feedback and I reserve the right to send back incomplete, unfinished or substandard work.
Late Work I may not accept it after a determined point. You can get zero. You can fail this course.
Class Climate I expect that you will treat each other with respect. If the whole class can hear your conversation, you are talking too loud. You will be expected to adhere to the daily routine
The Routine Each class, you are expected to come, find your seat, login, and go to my website. There you will find your daily directions. Typically, if there is instruction, it will happen before the end of the first half. When you need time to work on your own, I am mindful not to waste you time. Please be mindful not to waste mine.
One Speaker I won’t talk over you. I expect you to remove all headsets when I’m talking to the class. Period. No expections.
Toolbar Add Ms Eaton’s site to your Toolbar Add your Blog Site to your Toolbar Add Powerschool Add Wordpress Add Prezi
Lab Fees As this is a Computer Lab which supports Modular, hands-on learning, we do many “hands on” activities. These activities require supplies. Therefore is a Lab Fee for CMT 11 and 12 & FVP12. That fee is $10. This is expected to come in as soon possible and before Sept 28 th.
One Final Word… To be successful in this course, you need to be in attendance on a daily basis. Missing one class here often equals missing an entire hour of productivity (on your end). In other words, this is not a course you can just miss the “teacher talk” and “pick up the notes”. You need to be here to DO the work.