Research Cards In your speeches, you should reference certain quotations or data that you come across. There are a number of ways to keep track of this information... We will be using Research Cards.
Research Cards A research card is an index card that includes information about your topic and the reference citations for where you found the information. Each source will get it’s own card (or multiple cards).
Two Parts Part One: A Source Card Part Two: An Information Card
Source Card An index card with the following information: - the topic of your speech - a NUMBER (this is source #1, 2, 3, etc.) - information about the source
A BOOK Name(s) of the author(s) Title of the book Place of publication Publisher’s name Copyright date
A PERIODICAL, JOURNAL, NEWSPAPER Name(s) of the author(s) Title of the article Name of the publication Volume or Issue (if given) Date it was published
A WEBSITE URL of the site Last update date/copyright date Date you accessed the site Author if given Title of the web SITE (the main location) Title of the web PAGE (the particular page that you visited within the site)
Source Card TOPIC: PancakesSource # 1 the-griddle-heres-the-history-of-pancakes/ May 21, 2014 September 29, 2014 Rebecca Rupp The Plate by National Geographic Hot off the Griddle, Here’s the History of Pancakes
INFORMATION CARD the topic of your speech a subheading (what PART of the topic does this apply to?) The SOURCE NUMBER (from the source card) the specific fact, quotation, etc. from the source with the citation
INFORMATION CARD Topic: Pancakes Subheading: Creators SOURCE 1 “By the time Otzi the Iceman set off on his final hike 5,300 years ago, pancakes—or at least something pancake-like— seem to have been a common item of diet” (2).
Side 1 Topic: Pancakes Subheading: Creators SOURCE 1 There are many things pancakes have been made of, including einkorn wheat, buckwheat, and cornmeal (2, 4).
Task: Using the source you brought in, complete: A SOURCE CARD AN INFORMATION CARD
Going forward: 1.Keep looking for sources to use. *Portfolio Assignment 4: Two website evaluations (Due 10/7) 2.Create source and information cards for the information you find. *Source cards for three sources *One information card (minimum) for each source *Due 10/7 as well
Planning Tomorrow: How to cite information in a speech Thursday, Friday: computer lab to find information Monday: computer lab Tuesday:ASSIGNMENTS DUE Portfolio assignment 4 (evaluations) research cards