Agenda 1. Bellringer: Structuralism (10) 2. Lecture: Contemporary Theoretical Approaches (20) 3. How many words? Perspectives (10-15) 4. Perspectives Scenario (15) 5. Case Study: Andrea Yates (15) video clip
1. Behavioral How a person is rewarded/punished Want to understand how learning relates to behavior Focus on what you can observe Famous people: Pavlov, Skinner, Watson
2. Psychoanalytic/Pyschodyna mic Focus on unconscious thoughts/desires and internal conflicts in order to explain behavior Method = psychoanalysis Famous people: Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Alfred Aldler
3. Humanistic Humans have needs that must be met Emphasize feelings and view people as good Famous People: Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
4. Biological Understanding how the brain and body work in humans and animals 5. Evolutionary Use Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection Look at how have behavior patterns have evolved and changed over time
6. Cognitive Focus on thinking and memory and how the brain processes that information at various stages in development Famous people: Jean Piaget 7. Sociocultural How does culture and the environment effect behavior
Eclectic Approach Most psychologists use a variety of the approaches to study psychology
Discussion With your partner discuss the following: 3 minutes. Which of the approaches most represents psychology as a science? Why? Which of the approaches least represents psychology as a science? Why?
Mike Perspective: Psychoanalytic Reason: Subconsciously he thinks all women will hurt him like his mother did. Brenda Perspective: Behavioral Reason: working out = positive results = more working out (if had not lost weight prob. No working out) Tommy Perspective: Cognitive Reason: Tommy’s development hasn’t allowed him to see another’s point of view.
Jared: Perspective: Biological Reason: Brain damage etc. Countries: Perspective: Sociocultural Reason: cultural cues are what we make them. Not everyone is born with wisdom teeth. Perspective: Evolutionary Reason: Humans used to need wisdom teeth as replacement and now we don’t need them – we brush. Julia Perspective: Humanist Reason: Self-esteem