Mexico PRI-Institutional Revolutionary Party, a one party system that dominated most of 20th century. Political leaders chose candidate, citizens “voted” him in. 1968, student demonstrations forced political reform. 2000, Vicente Fox first non-PRI elected since He was unable to fix corruption, bureaucracy which continued economic problems.
American Immigration Now a prominent issue, it was first addressed with Cesar Chavez, who created the United Farm Workers Union (better wages, working conditions for mostly Mexican field workers). Chavez also was originally against illegal immigration, but later changed his stand.
El Salvador & Nicaragua Both countries had guerillas fighting for Marxism in ‘70s, ‘80s. El Sal.-peace in ‘92, moderate gov. Nicar.-Sandinistas (Marxist) were defeated by Contras. U.S (Reagan) sold arms to Iran and used money to fund Contras. USA supported both anti-communist groups.
Panama USA supported since ind. From Columbia in 1903 (to build canal) Military leader Manuel Noriega was also supported until it was found that he supported drug trade. U.S. troops arrested him in ‘89 and he was sent to prison, later to a French prison and is now in prison in Panama U.S. gives canal to Panama in early ’80s.
Cuba Fidel Castro overthrew Fulgencio Batista in His communist gov. was supported by USSR. Bay of Pigs invasion, a US effort to overthrow Castro failed. Cuban Missile Crises in ‘62. Castro was supported by Argentine revolutionary Che Guevera (read more)
South America Most nations dealt with: 1. overpopulation 2. dependence on foreign nations 3. debt problems that some military leaders refused to deal with.
Brazil Government controlled by military ‘64-’84. Economy grew but few benefited. Extreme inflation. ‘85-new democratic gov. Still debt and inflation, high unemployment. Poor education and child labor More recent-rapid growth in trade and industry. World recognition, hosted World Cup & will host Olymipics
Argentina Juan Peron gained support of working class by encouraging labor unions and increased job benefits. Elected president ‘46. Created fascist regime. Exiled to Spain ‘55. Military rule tried to take Falkland Islands (British Colony). British victory opened door to democratic rule ‘82 Some progress, still debt, inflation
Chile ‘70 Marxist Salvadore Allende became president. Socialism angered many. General Augusto Pinochet took over gov., killed Allende in ‘73. brutal regime, 1000s tortured, murdered, imprisoned. Desaparecidos (Disappeared) ‘89 free elections, Pinochet out, move toward democracy. Same problems.
Peru ‘68 General Juan Alvarado led military takeover. Gave land to people, nationalized companies. Economic problems continued, civilian rule replaced Alvarado. Shining Path (communist guerillas) wanted to destroy authority and create a classless society using terrorism. ‘90s Fujimori elected. Shining Path terrorism subsided, reforms didn’t work.
Colombia Peasant Marxist guerillas have been terrorizing elite since WW II. Poor Colombians turned to a new cash crop -- coca leaves, used to make cocaine. Drug cartels used bribes and violence toward gov. to support drug business.