Chapter 12, section 2. Country in debt Food shortage Increase in population Monarchy = no voice from the people.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 12, section 2

Country in debt Food shortage Increase in population Monarchy = no voice from the people

Reasons French people were upset: Country in debt Food shortage Increase in population Monarchy = no voice from the people People feared King Louis XVI was going to force the National Assembly out, and they decided to take action July 14, 1789– Storming of the Bastille Violent Revolution lead to a new government in Paris The revolution in Paris spread through all of France

By August 4, 1789, the National Assembly did away wit feudalism in France Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen = explained basic human rights and political powers *Believed in equality for men, not women Slogan: Liberty, equality and fraternity Constitution of 1791, provides constitutional monarchy French Nobles fled to Great Britain, Switz and Germany