Chapter 18
America gets a new government France has a revolution More complex More violent More radical
First estate Clergy 130,000 people owned 10% of the land Exempt from the taille Second Estate Nobility 350,000 people owned 25-30% of the land Held several high positions in government and military Exempt from the taille Third Estate Commoners of society Overwhelming majority of society = 75-80% of population with only % of the land Bourgeoisie- middle class 2.5 million people (8%) owned 20-25% of land. They were merchants, bankers, and other professionals
Food Shortage = higher prices Cost of wars led to almost bankrupt government 1/3 of population very poor French government continued hefty spending on luxuries Louis XVI had to call a meeting of Estates-General to raise new taxes before government collapsed
Estates-General met at Versailles on May 5 th, 1789 found itself in deadlock First and second estate could possibly outvote third estate Third estate left meeting- called themselves the National Assembly- to draft its own Constitution. By the 3 rd day King Louis had locked them out of their room Found a nearby tennis court and swore to continue to meet until they produced a Constitution = Tennis Court Oath As they finished, commoners stormed the Bastille (an armory and prison) in Paris, and Louis no longer had power
August 26 th, National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man You will be comparing three different documents that ensure human/natural rights. Declaration of the Rights of Man Bill of Rights Declaration of the Human Rights (UN December 10, 1948)
*Important to note that women were not included in the Declaration of the Rights of Man. However, When Louis XVI and his family wouldn’t leave Versailles – even though he had no real power – thousands of angry peasant women stormed the palace to with pitchforks, swords, and pistols Forced the king to accept new decrees and move to Paris Once in Paris the royal family were basically royal prisoners to the people
French have a new constitution – Constitution of 1791 – written by the National Assembly Limited monarchy with legislature King with little authority Austria and Prussia threatening to help Louis XVI restore power – they were afraid that their own nations would revolt – and National Assembly declared war on them Really bad economy – still Group of radicals (Jacobins) wanting more change in Paris create their own group called sans-culottes (without breeches or fine clothes) start fighting the National Assembly
National Assembly falls apart New National Convention elected to write new constitution Abolished monarchy to create a republic Two groups split at Convention Girondins – wanted king to live Mountains – wanted king to die Mountains won – Louis XVI died by guillotine More chaos ensued
With so much unrest and pressure from outside nations the Committee of Public Safety was created Headed by Maximilien Robespierre Lots of power Reign of Terror commenced 40,000 people killed 16,000 by guillotine Short lived – replaced by Republic of Virtue
France had defeated most of foreign enemies – due to knew military strategy Robespierre continued to kill anyone he thought was against the Republic of Virtue National Convention voted to kill him July of 1794 and middle class was able to gain power. Coup d’etat – sudden over throw of the government Continued to happen until Napoleon Bonaparte takes over