The role of UEMO In General Practice in Europe Dr Claudio Cricelli
The scenary of European General Practice - National and International n Political Associations n Colleges and Societies n Academic Bodies n University Departments n Networks n Research Organizations n Unions
In the different Health Systems in Europe General Practice as a profession shows : n Common Aims n Shared Culture n Analogous Problems
Main Issues of the profession n n Relationship with specialists n n Accreditation and Reaccreditation n n The Issue of Cost Containment n n Drugs policy, prescription and research n n Professional Management n n Managed Care and Disease Management n n Information Technology and Telematics
Critical Issues in General Practice n Primary Health Care vs Speialistic n Vocational Training and/or Specialization n Shared Care n Evidence Based Practice n Technological Infrastucture n New Organization Models n Cost Containment or Effective Care
Primary Care and Primary Role - Problems n Insufficient Recognition n Lack of political representation n Unable to lobby the Political World n Difficulties in coordinating projects n Lack of integration between political and scientific association n Low profile professional policy n Funding and resources : EU, Pharmaceutical Industry,others.
UEMO : The Voice, the Head, the Heart of General Practice n Voice : dissemination of information, speak at European Level, stimulate Legislation,promote the Profession, identify the common problems of all Member Organizations n The Head: visibility and recognition. Coordination of Associations n The Heart : where new ideas are cultivated n The Arms : work to be done
UEMO : the need for change n Internal Problems of the UEMO: statutes n Who is represented in UEMO n How to represent all General Practitioners in Europe n New Statutes: a Dedicated Committee under the Presidency Coordination
UEMO : the need for change n The Vice Presidents n The need for organization and coordination : working method and working Groups n Collaboration and coordination with other bodies
UEMO: the Need for Change n How to be representative of GP in Europe n How to support the individual Member Countries activities and problems n Disseminate information n Need for: MONOTHEMATIC MEETINGS
Funding and Financies n n Self Funding n n External Funding: Ph. Industry, Surveys and Research, EU ( direct funding for projects ) Coordination of Projects in the EU Actions, Other n n Publications n n Journal of the Uemo
The Burden of Organization n n Information and Communication: E mail, Fax, Postage. n n Coordination of Work n n Information Center Via Internet n n Political Contacts n n Books and Magazines n n Resources n n Meetings or Conferences
At the Centre of the EU n Do we really want to promote joint projects between the National Delegations ? n Can we promote European Projects in GPs and together with the Specialist n UEMO as a political sponsor of social and medical international activities ( prevention, healthy lifestyles, the role of GPs in delivering Health Care, disseminating information ) European Surveys, etc.
The Political Associations and Bodies n CP n UEMS n WHO Euro ( The Forum) n EMEA n The Stakeholders : The industry of Drugs, Technology and Health Care Providers
Scientific Bodies n Education : Basic UnderG. Vocational - CME n Research Committment n The quality of Care n Prevention
The policy of the UE European Parliament - The Commission - DGs n The quest for resources n Coordination of projects n, New directives on training, accreditation, drug research and information, Health care Policy n stimulate the legislation regarding General Practice. n Support the profession through legislation n We need to be present where decisions are taken and resources allocated ?
The policy of the UE European Parliament - The Commission - DGs n Establish continous relationship with EU and the DGs n Define the DRUG POLICY of General Practice with EMEA –Drugs –Generics –Self Medication n Relationship with ACME n Lobbying the New Parliament
The policy of the UE European Parliament - The Commission - DGs n We would like to establish a UEMO Presence in Bruxelles - Strasbourg
WONCA - ESGP and the Networks – –A political proposal : coordinating general Practice in Europe A professional agreement with the Academical Bodies and Networks in Europe WONCA ESGP - EWGRGP - EURACT - EQUIP role definition, policy confrontation, project planning, a joint meeting :UEMO Meteting for General Practice in the Year 2000 2001 : Joint Committee 2002 :The First Joint European Meeting of General Practice in Europe organized byIndipendent Associations
A political proposal : coordinating general Practice in Europe –A professional pact with the Academical Bodies –3 Steps :role definition, policy confrontation, project planning, a joint meeting : General Practice in the Year 2000 –2001 : Joint Committee – Joint Conference