Bristol Network for Equality in Early years health and wellbeing Patricia J Lucas, Senior Lecturer, School for Policy Studies, University of Bristol Jo Williams, Consultant in Child Public Health, Bristol City Council
Our Goals
3 Oral health achievements Secured funding for a research project to improve our understanding of oral health inequalities in Bristol (and neighbouring authorities) Raised awareness of OH inequalities via media coverage and work with Children’s Centres Linking to NHS England Local Professional Network for Oral Health
4 Early nutrition achievements Good joint working - submitted business case(s) for universal provision of Healthy Start children’s vitamins Progressing pilot research about lunches in early years settings Working with health visitors to develop and pilot simple food questions for 2 year check
5 Social emotional wellbeing achievements Interdisciplinary workshops examining definitions of social and emotional wellbeing underway Systematic review of universal professional interventions for improving social and emotional wellbeing under 24 months of age underway Contributed to early years aspects in the development of the Bristol Emotional Health Needs Assessment and Strategy for children and young people
Challenges Maintaining momentum Diversity of activity Reconciling research and practice needs (timelines, strength of evidence, monitoring and evaluation) 6