Young Survivors Sexuality and Fertility Dr. Christie Ganas M.D. Penn State Health St. Joseph
Difficult topic
Difficult topic to discuss Uncomfortable to talk about patient and partner Health care provider Taboo subject Myths about sex Significant impact on quality of life Barriers
What is normal?? Orgasm Arousal Desire
Normal Sexual Response Emotional intimacy Sexual stimuli Sexual arousal Arousal and sexual desire Emotional and physical satisfaction
Intimacy-Based Model
Factors Affecting Sexual Function Medical history, illness, medications, hormones Family, cultural, society Partner relationship, sexual image, sexual experience External stressors, Psychological well-being
Body Changes and Cancer Treatment Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation Anti-hormonal Medications
Psychological Effects Body Image Depression Anxiety Fear Guilt Partner’s fears/concerns
Predictors of Sexual Health after Cancer Diagnosis Poor vs good emotional well-being Presence or absence of vaginal dryness Quality of the partnered relationship
Issues Vaginal dryness Arousal Desire Orgasm
Vaginal Dryness Lubricants and moisturizers Lubricants are a temporary measure to relieve vaginal dryness during intercourse Water oil silicone based Moisturizers provide long-term relief of vaginal dryness ?? Role of local estrogen- discussion with oncologist and gynecologist Personalized and individualized plan Risk of recurrence????
Arousal Vibrators Dilator therapy Pelvic floor physical therapy Eros clitoral therapy device
Behavior modification Lifestyle modification Exercise Nutrition Social support Stress, Time, Life management
Prepare Get comfortable with scars, changes Look, touch New normal Communicate with partner Setting the scene
Reduce anxiety Make it a priority Start gradually Ways to feel less self-conscious Setting the scene Goal is pleasure -not performance
Alternative forms of physical love Hugging Fondling Caressing Cuddling Kissing Hand holding Manual/oral stimulation Intra thigh or intra mammary intercourse
Medication Flibanserin- nonhormonal therapy that works on key sexual pathways in the brain FDA approval Efficacy on desire and satisfying sexual evidence Bupropion -effects norepinephrine and dopamine uptake Increase sexual responsiveness and orgasmic activity Sildenafil – used to treat antidepressant associated sexual dysfunction, not FDA approved
Contraception Condoms Diaphragms IUD Permanent sterilization
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