Business Management Advanced Higher Professional Development Workshop
Aim of the event To inform delegates of the issues affecting performance of candidates in the 2011 examination. To consider points for action which may help delegates improve the performance of candidates. To provide an opportunity for delegates to focus on the points of action, identify existing best practice and clarify issues.
Format of the event amWelcome and presentation on command words am Presentation on the report amCoffee amWorkshop on the report pmLunch 1.30 pmPresentation on the examination 1.50 pmWorkshop on the examination 3.20 pmEnd
Command words Purpose — to help candidates understand the type of response required. Words used at AH level demand more higher order skills — eg ‘identify’ never used. Twelve command words at AH level. Can be divided into 4 categories.
The 4 Categories Description Description — describe Explanation Explanation — explain, explore, justify, suggest Comparison Comparison — compare, contrast, discuss Measurement Measurement — assess, evaluate Analyse and Examine combine description and explanation.
Description Describe — ‘Provide a thorough description’. Describe what the thing is — do not just give advantages and disadvantages (unless these are specifically asked for).
Explanation Explore — ‘Explain in detail’ Explain — ‘Give a detailed account for something’ Justify — ‘Explain why/give reasons to support your statements’ Suggest — ‘Make a judgement and give some support or reason for your suggestion’
All mean: identify a point — no marks for this. Expand points using phrases such as ‘because’/ ‘therefore’/ ‘this means that’. Several marks can be scored from one main point. Be guided by the mark allocation. Explanation
Description and Explanation Analyse — ‘Consider in detail and describe essential features’. Examine — ‘Give both a description and an explanation’.
Comparison Compare — ‘Identify similarities and differences between two or more factors’. Do not just take the features of one factor and then the features of the other, but consider them alongside each other. Use ‘whereas’, or ‘but’ for differences, ‘both’ for similarities.
Contrast (distinguish at H level) — ‘Identify the difference between two or more factors’. As for compare, but relates to differences only — do not just list; distinguish one factor from another. Discuss — ‘Examine closely taking account of strengths and weaknesses in an argument; for and against’. Give both sides — not necessarily evenly. Comparison
Measurement Assess — ‘Examine closely with a view to measuring a particular situation taking account of strengths and weaknesses; for and against’. Evaluate – ‘Make an appraisal of the worth/ effectiveness or usefulness of something’. Both mean — weigh up the strength of the factors being described — which are more important/less important and why?
Advice Teach candidates the 4 different categories of command words. Advise them that the same approach can be used for different command words within the categories. Stress the importance of being guided by the mark allocation.
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