1 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN HEALTH SYSTEM DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY Employee Engagement Survey 2008 Martin Lawlor Administrator ________________________________________________________
2 Addressing Your Concerns ________________________________________________________ Since September, we held 13 meetings with individual labs to hear your concerns – this is just a sample: Some issues were easily resolved: Staff engagement in Service Excellence Training Campus mail delivery to Traverwood New exam table and floor mats ordered for Cancer Center Blood Draw Station Some issues can’t be resolved: No reserved parking spaces for MLabs cars No weekend parking for yellow AVI at Cancer Center, but may use Taubmann, Mott, CVC lots
3 Addressing Your Concerns ________________________________________________________ Most issues we’re working on: Pay equity through market analysis Ergonomics: Microscope upgrades at grossing stations, ergonomics assessments New computers in CP Labs MCTP authentication project
4 Addressing Your Concerns ________________________________________________________ Our surveys revealed two specific challenges faced all across Pathology: 1.“The areas where I work are maintained at an acceptable level of cleanliness.” – 58.4 (last year 61.6) Our response: Pathology / Environmental Services Quality Assurance Partnership
5 RepresentativeLab Christine OffordChemistry Brooks BarnesPathology Stores Theresa PaceHistology Diana FrenchAutopsy/Forensic Services Linda DawsonCytopathology Phyllis GruszczynskiBlood Bank & Transfusion Diane BerentSurg Path Chuck JasmanSpecimen Processing Kim FeraInpatient Phlebotomy Nicole RobinsonOutpatient Phlebotomy Carol HolzapfelOutpatient Phlebotomy Rita SpiegelbergOutpatient Phlebotomy Jeana VanDorpMicrobiology Sylvia SanchSpecimen Processing Heywyda DariBlood Bank Norma Smith-CostHematology Tracy Pinazzo-TaylorSpecimen Processing Environmental Services Leadership: Ron Rutherford, Kevin Marshall, Roger Sacks, Eric Bain, Michael Daughenbaugh Pathology / Environmental Services Quality Assurance Partnership ________________________________________________________
6 Addressing Your Concerns ________________________________________________________ 2.Leadership needs to be more responsive: “The top leadership of the organization addresses employees’ concerns.” – 52.9 (last year 54.1). In some sections this score dips to as low as 43.4 – a big concern “The top leadership effectively communicates the organization’s goals and objectives.” – 62.9 (slight improvement over last year’s 62.2) “The top leadership of the organization is open to new ideas.” – 57.6 (last year 59.1) These scores vary from a high of 78.6 to a low of Our response: This meeting
7 UMHHC Leadership _______________________________________________________
8 Pathology Department Leadership _______________________________________________________ Division Directors
9 Pathology Department Leadership _______________________________________________________ Administrative Structure