A New Industrial Revolution Sec 1: A New Industrial Revolution Why Industry Boomed Main Idea: Abundant resources, new technology, government aid to business, a railroad boom, and a new wave of immigration all contributed to industrial growth. Inventors and Inventions Main Idea: Thomas Edison and other inventors created hundreds of devices that made life easier. A Transportation Revolution Main Idea: The automobile and the airplane launched an age of fast transportation.
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Big Business and Organized Labor Sec 2: Big Business and Organized Labor Growth of Big Business Main Idea: By the late 1800s, many major industries were dominated by a few giant companies. Emergence of Robber Barons, Monopolies, & Trusts-people and companies who used ruthless business tactics to corner the market and get rich, at the expense of workers and consumers. Changes in the Workplace Main Idea: As industry grew, working conditions often got worse. Workers Organize Main Idea: Despite many obstacles, organized labor began to grow in the late 1800s. At first they did well but after some violent strikes the public and the government turned on them (gov. supported growth of business b/c it helped country grow both physically and economically. Big Business won for a bit but eventually unions succeed in changing the workplace for the better.
Standard Oil TRANSPARENCY Transparency: Standard Oil
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In May of 1886 Americans awoke to the news that a bomb had exploded a Chicago labor rally, killing several policemen. Coming in the midst of the largest national strike Americans had ever seen, the bombing, the mass hysteria it created, and the sensational trial and executions that followed, made headlines across the country. National sentiment turned against the burgeoning labor movement, ending a moment of hope for the nation’s working class. [WGBH description.]
Child Labor ldlabor/ Feel free to scroll through the main page to get a feel for what Children were doing at this time. Conditions were the same for both adults and kids, as were hours, but pay was less
Cities Grow and Change Sec 3: Cities Grow and Change Rapid Growth of Cities Main Idea: Industrialization, migration, and technology all contributed to the growth of American cities. Problems of Urban Life Main Idea: As cities grew, they faced a variety of problems, especially in the poorest neighborhoods. Click on the Link Below: write down any words that come to mind as you view the pictures…. s/slideshow1.html The Excitement of City Life Main Idea: Cities lured newcomers with a wide variety of attractions and leisure activities.
Skyscraper TRANSPARENCY Transparency: Skyscraper Now we can cram even more people into one area!
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The New Immigrants Sec 4: The New Immigrants A Fresh Start Main Idea: In the late 1800s, a new wave of immigrants came to the United States for economic and political reasons. Starting a New Life Main Idea: Immigrants faced many challenges to settle in the United States. Becoming American Main Idea: For many immigrants, the goal was to become part of American life and culture. A New Wave of Nativism Main Idea: Many Americans distrusted immigrants and called for limits on immigration.
During this time the government opened its doors to provide labor for industries and to help grow America’s economy. But many “native” Americans did not like the new wave of immigrants and the U.S. would soon begin a policy of quotas and restrictions, starting with the Chinese
Immigration, 1865–1915 IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: Immigration 1865–1915
What should our immigration policy be today? Write down your thoughts and be sure to explain yourself and provide support.
Education and Culture Sec 5: Education and Culture Educating Americans Main Idea: States took steps to expand education, including requiring children to attend school. New American Writers Main Idea: A new generation of American writers tried to describe real life as it was. A Newspaper Boom Main Idea: Education contributed to a rapid growth in American newspapers.
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High School Enrollment, 1880–1910 IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: High School Enrollment 1880–1910
U.S. Rural and Urban Population, 1870–1920 IMAGE LIBRARY Image Library: U.S. Rural and Urban Population 1870–1920