Biomes of the World Marine Salt Water Coniferous Forest Savanna
Name: Taiga/Coniferous Forest (Russian word for forest, largest biome in the world) Location: Canada, Alaska, Northern Asia, Northern Europe Climate: long, cold, snowy winters, ground is frozen (-65°F), short, warm, rainy summers, ground is wet and swampy ( 70°F)
Plants: Conifer/evergreen trees (cones, needles) Fir, Pine, Spruce, Redwood, Sequoia Animals: lynx, wolverine, bobcat, bears, wolves, squirrels, chipmunks, deer, elk, moose (animals migrate or hibernate to escape harsh winters) Biodiversity: few species of plants due to harsh winters, trees have waxy needles to protect them from freezing, don’t lose their leaves, dark colors absorb more warmth from sun for photosynthesis, slanted branches so snow can slide off, wildfires require thick bark Human Impact: Humans try to stop wildfires to protect property but keeps seeds from opening and prevents new growth; logging reduced forests significantly
What Disney movie takes place in the Tiaga/ Coniferous Forest?